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1 Team M1 Enigma Machine Milestone 6 - 5 March, 2006 Adithya Attawar (M11) Shilpi Chakrabarti (M12) Zavo Gabriel (M13) Mike Sokolsky (M14) Design Manager:

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Presentation on theme: "1 Team M1 Enigma Machine Milestone 6 - 5 March, 2006 Adithya Attawar (M11) Shilpi Chakrabarti (M12) Zavo Gabriel (M13) Mike Sokolsky (M14) Design Manager:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Team M1 Enigma Machine Milestone 6 - 5 March, 2006 Adithya Attawar (M11) Shilpi Chakrabarti (M12) Zavo Gabriel (M13) Mike Sokolsky (M14) Design Manager: Prateek Goenka

2 2 Status Finished: Behavioral Verilog and C simulation Structural Verilog Logic optimization Module-level spice delay and power simulations Floorplan In Progress: Top-level schematic testing Module layout Todo: Global Layout Testing Simulation

3 3 Design Decisions Implement additional RSA encryption module Optimization of floorplan for signal routing Found adder was using un-buffered transmission gates to drive 6 gates. Doh! Changed signal path to decrease number of muxes needed

4 4 Propagation delay for old adder: 600 ps

5 5 Propagation delay for fixed adder: 260 ps

6 6 Project Update Quick look at the M4 Project Found 3 original unbroken 4-wheel enigma messages Example: CLXP LWRU HCEY ZTCS OPUP PZDI UQRD LWXX FACT TJMB HDVC JJMM ZRPY IKHZ AWGL YXWT MJPQ UEFS ZBCT VRLA LZXW VXTS LFFF AUDQ FBWR RYAP SBOW JMKL DUYU PFUQ DOWV HAHC DWAU ARSW TXCF VOYF PUFH VZFD GGPO OVGR MBPX XZCA NKMO NFHX PCKH JZBU MXJW XKAU OD?Z UCVC XPFT CDXP LWRU VA Using brute-force and hill climbing algorithms has broken one message using a distributed network of several hundred computers Means even though it can be broken, it’s not very easy to do!!!!!!! (So you can send credit cards with it, right?) Also means we have original cipher texts and settings to decode them! (Results coming next presentation)

7 Adder % 26 C RegN Reg Out Reg Mux ROM 206 X 5-bits ROM 26 X 5-bits RAM 26 X 5-bits Mux Wheel Position Register Wheel Counters Wheel Order Reg Input

8 8 Results of structural simulation 4000 creg:10 nreg: 1 rev:0 output:10 4100 creg:10 nreg: 8 rev:0 output:22 4200 creg:18 nreg: 3 rev:0 output:22 4300 creg:18 nreg: 3 rev:0 output:19 4400 creg:21 nreg: 6 rev:0 output:19 4500 creg:21 nreg: 2 rev:0 output: 8 4600 creg:23 nreg: 6 rev:0 output: 8 4700 creg: 7 nreg: 6 rev:1 output: 7 4800 creg: 7 nreg: 0 rev:1 output:23 4900 creg: 7 nreg: 3 rev:1 output:23 5000 creg: 7 nreg:19 rev:1 output:23 5100 creg: 0 nreg: 1 rev:1 output:23 5200 creg: 0 nreg:21 rev:1 output: 4 5300 creg:21 nreg: 1 rev:1 output: 4 5400 creg:21 nreg: 1 rev:1 output:21 5500 creg:10 nreg: 1 rev:1 output:21 5600 creg:10 nreg: 1 rev:1 output:21

9 9 Results of Structural Simulation TextValueCipherDecode I8208 A0140 M128 V216 E4 4 R179 Y241524 T190 I8188 R171417 E4104 D313


11 11 Power ModulePower (μWatts) Adder85 5-bit Register80.3 Wheel Register747 Wheelpos Register450 3-bit Counter146 Wheel Counters2500 ROM + RAM?

12 12 5-bit Register Layout

13 13 And the new module… Adder % 26 C RegN Reg Out Reg Mux ROM 206 X 5-bits ROM 26 X 5-bits RAM 26 X 5-bits Mux Wheel Position Register Wheel Counters Wheel Order Reg Input MULTIPLIER (loop E iterations) P D MODULO (Divider) E M OUT

14 14 RSA Module Description RSA encryption 3 inputs: plaintext (5’b), modulus, exponent (12’b) Result = P E % M Take in a wheel initial position (5 bits), multiply it E times, and modulo M, output result (12 bits) Repeat for all wheels used in Enigma encoding

15 15 RSA Module Status Behavioral Verilog done, verified Structural Verilog in progress Goal: Choose multiplier design, done and verified by end of Spring Break Schematics Goal: Started by end of Spring Break

16 16 RSA Design Decisions Basic FSM to control loading of P (from Enigma), E, and M (from off-chip), as well as looped multiply operation Multiplier Sequential is small, easy to implement SLOW. Also requires nested counters (2 layers of loops) Array multipliers are faster, more complex Several interesting designs out there

17 17 Low output is 1 Volt!?!?

18 18 Problems/Questions Top level schematic still not verified This should be taken care of in the next day or two SRAM voltage problems in schematic simulation

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