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History of Children’s Literature 1 2004 EDU12HCL Assessment.

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1 History of Children’s Literature 1 2004 EDU12HCL Assessment

2 Annotated Bibliography20% Poster Assignment/Presentation 40 % Exam40 %

3 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Aim: For students to experience doing a literature search including: –recording search history – searching different sources, –using different search terms and strategies.

4 Requirements: Minimum of 10 entries wide variety of resources including: –books (collections, picture books, novels, plays, poetry, reference books) –Videos/DVD’s –journal articles (hard copy and online), –academic monographs, –conference papers, newspaper articles, –artistic texts (paintings, drawings, sculpture, dance, music) –web-sites and documents down-loaded from the Internet.

5 –Each bibliography must include a range of different resources (minimum of five – must include one academic journal article and one academic monograph ). –Students are expected to keep a record of their search history including the sources they searched (eg. databases, indexes), –search terms (eg. key words, descriptors) –search strategies (eg. and/or, limitation by time) used

6 Bibliographic Details: Harvard (Author, Date) Referencing System, Assignment Manual (2004; 49-64) include details relevant to the type of resources Eg.: –Author/s: –Title of article/book/resource –Journal/book title/series title –Vol/Edition, No, Month, Year, Pages –Place of publication (City) Publisher

7 Critical Analysis of Resource: Primary focus/theme of resource Background information about author/producer of resource –(Who wrote it? Why? –For whom is it written? – What is their academic authority to speak on the subject? –Any agenda being pushed?) Links to other resources Strengths of resource Weaknesses of resource Other comments about the resource.

8 Poster Preparation(individual mark 30 %) Presentation(group mark 10%) –15 mins. in tute Groups (2 - 4 students) working collaboratively Theme Different topi c to bibliography

9 Ways of doing poster The poster assignment can be done as: –a comparison of 3 versions of same story –an exploration of an allocated theme –a topic/tradition/author of interest (by prior negotiation with your lecturer).

10 Comparing 3 versions of the same story need to include a short synopsis of the books. You will also need to consider the following issues: –Which traditions do the books draw on (ie. Celtic, Roman etc. or epic, myth, fairytale? –How has the writer modified/rewritten elements of the tradition to suit his/her version (consider the use of: motifs, archetypes, symbols, characters, names, settings) –Do you think the versions work? Discuss any weaknesses of the texts.

11 Exam In two parts. Section A worth 20% –short answer questions concerning: texts studied key themes discussed in lectures and tutorials during the semester. Section B worth 20%. –extended answer questions –Students will be given the topics for this section in the last week of semester and will be expected to prepare and reference their answers.

12 Expectations Attendance at all lectures and tutorials Pre-reading completed before relevant class Reading Diaries will help revise for exams but are not marked All students to participate in class discussion Willingness to question Willingness to respect other’s opinions

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