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Monkey Business This tale proves the point on why we (or in this case) Max the Monkey should be kinder and more caring of his fellow feathered friends.

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Presentation on theme: "Monkey Business This tale proves the point on why we (or in this case) Max the Monkey should be kinder and more caring of his fellow feathered friends."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monkey Business This tale proves the point on why we (or in this case) Max the Monkey should be kinder and more caring of his fellow feathered friends. Max was a nice monkey but he was not very fond of birds, he would harass and tease them, calling them names. Until one day the birds fought back. Circle: Head, Eyes, Coconuts Oval: Body, Birds body, Wings, Ears Arc: Banana, Mouth Sun Callout: Sun Curve: Clouds, Tail, Arms, Legs, Tree trunk, Tree Top Text Box: Spoken Words Line: Grass


3 Rotten Birds!!!

4 Goofy Monkey !

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