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1.1 Introduction to Grid Computing ITCS 4010 Grid Computing, 2005, UNC-Charlotte, B. Wilkinson.

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Presentation on theme: "1.1 Introduction to Grid Computing ITCS 4010 Grid Computing, 2005, UNC-Charlotte, B. Wilkinson."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.1 Introduction to Grid Computing ITCS 4010 Grid Computing, 2005, UNC-Charlotte, B. Wilkinson.

2 1.2 Need to harness computers Original driving force behind grid computing the same as behind the early development of networks that became the Internet: –Connecting computers at distributed sites for high performance computing. Just as the Internet has changed, grid computing has changed.

3 1.3 History Began in mid 1990’s with experiments using computers at geographically dispersed sites. Seminal experiment – “I-way” experiment at 1995 Supercomputing conference (SC’95), using 17 sites across the US running: –60+ applications. –Existing networks (10 networks).

4 1.4 19952000200519901985 Distributed computing Remote Procedure calls (RPC) Concept of service registry Beginnings of service oriented architecture Object oriented approaches Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) CORBA (Common Request Broker Architecture) Cluster computing Software Techniques: Computing platforms: Parallel computers Geographically distributed computers (Grid computing in the broadest sense) Web services SC’95 experiment

5 1.5 Grid Computing Using distributed computers and resources collectively. Usually associated with geographically distributed computers and resources on a special high speed network, or the Internet. Now become much more that last slide suggests.

6 1.6 Shared Resources Can share much more than just computers: Storage Sensors for experiments at particular sites Application Software Databases Network capacity, …

7 1.7 Computational Grid Applications Biomedical research Industrial research Engineering research Studies in Physics and Chemistry

8 1.8 Sample Grid Computing Projects Physical Sciences: Large Hadron Collider project (CERN) DOE Particle Physics Data grid DOE Science grid AstroGrid Comb-e-Chem project Natural and Life sciences: Protein Data grid Mcell project Engineering Design: Distributed Aircraft Maintenance Environment NASA Information Power grid

9 1.9 Science Today is a Team Sport I. Foster

10 1.10 eScience eScience [n]: Large-scale science carried out through distributed collaborations— often leveraging access to large-scale data & computing I. Foster

11 NSF Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) Transform our ability to carry out research vital to reducing vulnerability to catastrophic earthquakes I. Foster

12 Global Knowledge Communities: e.g., High Energy Physics I. Foster

13 1.13 DOE Earth System Grid Goal: address technical obstacles to the sharing & analysis of high-volume data from advanced earth system models I. Foster

14 1.14 Earth System Grid I. Foster

15 1.15 TeraGrid Funded by NSF in 2002 to link 5 supercomputer sites with 40 Gb/s links

16 1.16 TeraGrid

17 1.17 Grid networks for collaborative grid computing projects Grids have been set up at the local level, national level, and international level throughout the world, to promote grid computing

18 1.18 Close to home: From “Grid Computing in the Industry” by Wolfgang Gentzsch, presentation to Fall 2004 grid computing course. Full set of slides on course home page.

19 1.19 Grid2003: An Operational National Grid  28 sites: Universities + national labs  2800 CPUs, 400–1300 jobs  Running since October 2003  Applications in HEP, LIGO, SDSS, Genomics Korea From “A Grid of One to a Grid of Many,” Miron Livny, UW-Madison, Keynote presentation, MIDnet conference, 2005.

20 1.20 National Grids Many countries have embraced grid computing and set-up grid computing infrastructure: UK e-Science grid Grid-Ireland NorduGrid DutchGrid POINIER grid (Poland) ACI grid (France) Japanese grid etc, etc., …

21 1.21 UK e-Science Grid

22 1.22 Resource sharing and collaborative computing Grid computing is about collaborating and resource sharing as much as it is about high performance computing.

23 1.23 Virtual Organizations Grid computing offers potential of virtual organizations: –groups of people, both geographically and organizationally distributed, working together on a problem, sharing computers AND other resources such as databases and experimental equipment. Crosses multiple administrative domains.

24 1.24 Applications Originally e-Science applications –Computational intensive Not necessarily one big problem but a problem that has to be solved repeatedly with different parameters. –Data intensive. –Experimental collaborative projects Now also e-Business applications to improve business models and practices.

25 1.25 (Based on a slide from HP) Utility Computing One of Several Commercial Drivers shared, traded resources value clusters grid-enabled systems programmable data center virtual data center Open VMS clusters, TruCluster, MC ServiceGuard Tru64, HP-UX, Linux switch fabric computestorage UDC computing utility or GRID today Utility computing On-demand Service-orientation Virtualization I. Foster

26 1.26 Grid Computing Software Infrastructure

27 1.27 Globus Project Open source software toolkit developed for grid computing. Roots in I-way experiment. Work started in 1996. Four versions developed to present time. Reference implementations of grid computing standards. Defacto standard for grid computing.

28 1.28 GSI (Grid Security Infrastructure) –Grid security. MDS (Monitoring and discovery Service) –Interface to system and service information. GRAM (Grid Resource Allocation Manager) –Remote job submission and control. GridFTP –Secure data transfer. Globus Key Components

29 1.29 From “Globus Toolkit 4 Tutorial,” MCNC Jan-Feb, 2005, Pawel Plaszczak and Bogdan Lobodzinski, Gridwise Technologies. 2. discover resource 3. submit job 4. transfer data environment GSI GRAM MDS GridFTP

30 1.30 Globus Toolkit: Recent History GT2 (2.4 released in 2002) –GRAM, MDS, GridFTP, GSI. GT3 (3.2 released mid-2004): redesign –OGSA (Open Grid Service Architecture)/OGSI (Open Grid Services Infrastructure) based. –Introduced “Grid services” as an extension of web services. –OGSI now abandoned. GT4 (release for April 2005): redesign –WSRF (Web service Resource Framework) based. –Grid standards merged with Web services.

31 1.31 Supercomputing 2003 Demonstration We* used Globus version 2.4 in a Supercomputing 2003 demo organized by the University of Melbourne. 21 countries involved, numerous sites. * The Grid group at WCU.

32 1.32

33 1.33 A re-implementation based upon the Open Grid Service Architecture (OGSA) standard. We used version 3.2 for the Fall 2004 grid computing course. Underlying implementation of version 3.x used OGSI Open Grid Service Infrastructure), which was not embraced by the community. Version 3

34 1.34 Version 4 Released April 2005. OGSA kept but OGSI abandoned in favor of new implementation standards based around pure web services. (Version 3 used “extended” web services) To be used in this course, with other software.

35 1.35 Interconnections and Protocols Focus now on: using standard Internet protocols and technology, i.e. HTTP, SOAP, web services, etc.,

36 1.36 Web Services-Based Grid Computing Grid Computing now strongly based upon web services. Large number of newly proposed grid computing standards: –WS-Resource Framework (WSRF) –WS-Addressing –etc., etc. …..

37 1.37 There will be several multiple-choice quizzes in the course (on-line through WebCT). Quiz Question: What is a virtual organization? (a) An imaginary company. (b) A web-based organization. (c) A group of people geographically distributed that come together from different organizations to work on grid project. (d) A group of people that come together to work on a virtual reality grid project.

38 1.38 Reading Assignments Since there is no assigned textbook, there will be a few reading assignments. Purpose is to consolidate your understanding. Materials posted on home page from link “reading/on-line materials” at end of section on lecture materials.

39 1.39 First Reading Assignment "The Anatomy of the Grid: Enabling Scalable Virtual Organizations" by I. Foster, C. Kesselman, and S. Tuecke Int. J. Supercomputer Applications, 2001.

40 1.40 Acknowledgement Slides numbers marked with “I. Foster” have been selected from presentations made by Ian Foster: Enabling eScience: Grid Technologies Today & Tomorrow American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, February 21 2005. Globus: Bridging the Gap Keynote Talk, GlobusWORLD, Boston, Mass., February 8, 2005. The Grid: Reality, Technologies, Applications Distinguished Lecture, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, January 21 2005. used for educational purposes only.

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