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1a.1 Introduction to Grid Computing ITCS 4146/5146, UNC-Charlotte, B. Wilkinson, 2007 Jan 17, 2007.

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1 1a.1 Introduction to Grid Computing ITCS 4146/5146, UNC-Charlotte, B. Wilkinson, 2007 Jan 17, 2007

2 1a.2 “The grid virtualizes heterogeneous geographically disperse resources” from "Introduction to Grid Computing with Globus," IBM Redbooks Using geographically distributed and interconnected computers together for computing and for resource sharing. Grid Computing

3 1a.3 Need to harness computers Original driving force behind grid computing same as behind the early development of networks that became the Internet: – Connecting computers at distributed sites for high performance computing.

4 1a.4 History Began in mid 1990’s with experiments using computers at geographically dispersed sites. Seminal experiment – “I-way” experiment at 1995 Supercomputing conference (SC’95), using 17 sites across the US running: –60+ applications. –Existing networks (10 networks).

5 1a.5 Grid computing is about collaborating and resource sharing as much as it is about high performance computing.

6 1a.6 Virtual Organizations Grid computing offers potential of virtual organizations: –groups of people, both geographically and organizationally distributed, working together on a problem, sharing computers AND other resources such as databases and experimental equipment. Crosses multiple administrative domains.

7 1a.7 Shared Resources Can share much more than just computers: Storage Sensors for experiments at particular sites Application Software Databases Network capacity, …

8 1a.8 Interconnections and Protocols Focus now on: using standard Internet protocols and technology, i.e. HTTP, SOAP, web services, etc.,

9 1a.9 Applications Originally e-Science applications –Computational intensive Traditional high performance computing addressing large problems Not necessarily one big problem but a problem that has to be solved repeatedly with different parameters. –Data intensive Computational but emphasis on large amounts of data to stored and processed –Experimental collaborative projects

10 1a.10 Now also e-Business applications –To improve business models and practices. –Sharing corporate computing resources and databases –On-demand grid computing

11 1a.11 Computational Grid Applications Biomedical research Industrial research Engineering research Studies in Physics and Chemistry …

12 1a.12 Sample Grid Computing Projects

13 NSF Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) Transform our ability to carry out research vital to reducing vulnerability to catastrophic earthquakes from I. Foster Environment/Earth

14 1a.14 DOE Earth System Grid Goal: address technical obstacles to sharing and analysis of high-volume data from advanced earth system models From I. Foster

15 1a.15 Earth System Grid I. Foster

16 1a.16 http://www.ediamond. Medicine /Biology

17 1a.17

18 1a.18

19 1a.19 Large Hadron Collider experimental facility for complex particle experiments at CERN (European Center for Nuclear Research, near Geneva Switzerland). Physics CERN grid

20 1a.20

21 1a.21

22 1a.22 http://eu- /eu-datagrid/ Data grids

23 1a.23 Grid computing infrastructure projects Not tied to one specific application

24 1a.24 Grid networks for collaborative grid computing projects Grids have been set up at local level, national level, and international level throughout the world, to promote grid computing Grid Networks

25 1a.25 TeraGrid Funded by NSF in 2002 to link 5 supercomputer sites with 40 Gb/s links

26 1a.26 TeraGrid

27 1a.27 Grid2003: An Operational National Grid  28 sites: Universities + national labs  2800 CPUs, 400–1300 jobs  Running since October 2003  Applications in HEP, LIGO, SDSS, Genomics Korea From “A Grid of One to a Grid of Many,” Miron Livny, UW-Madison, Keynote presentation, MIDnet conference, 2005.

28 1a.28 SURAGrid

29 1a.29 Close to home: From “Grid Computing in the Industry” by Wolfgang Gentzsch, presentation to Fall 2004 grid computing course. Full set of slides on course home page.

30 1a.30 National Grids Many countries have embraced grid computing and set-up grid computing infrastructure: UK e-Science grid Grid-Ireland NorduGrid DutchGrid POINIER grid (Poland) ACI grid (France) Japanese grid etc, etc., …

31 1a.31 UK e-Science Grid

32 1a.32 Campus Grids Several examples of grids within one university and across campuses Example University of Virginia Campus Grid

33 1a.33 Grid Computing Software

34 1a.34 19952000200519901985 Distributed computing Remote Procedure calls (RPC) Concept of service registry Beginnings of service oriented architecture Object oriented approaches CORBA (Common Request Broker Architecture) Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Cluster computing Software Techniques: Computing platforms: Parallel computers Geographically distributed computers (Grid computing) Web services SC’95 experiment Adopted for grid infrastructure components Internet mark-up languages, HTML XML IP addresses, URLs, … ports, protocols Networks Globus toolkit 4.03.x2.x1.x

35 1a.35 Globus Project Open source software toolkit developed for grid computing. Roots in I-way experiment. Work started in 1996. Four versions developed to present time. Reference implementations of grid computing standards. Defacto standard for grid computing.

36 1a.36 Globus Toolkit: Recent History GT2 (2.4 released in 2002) –GRAM, MDS, GridFTP, GSI. GT3 (3.2 released mid-2004): redesign –OGSA (Open Grid Service Architecture) - OGSI (Open Grid Services Infrastructure) based. –Introduced “Grid services” as an extension of web services. –OGSI now abandoned. GT4 (release for April 2005): redesign –WSRF (Web service Resource Framework) based. –Grid standards merged with Web services.

37 1a.37 Globus A “toolkit” of services and packages for creating the basic grid computing infrastructure Higher level tools added to this infrastructure Version 4 is web-services based Some non-web services code exists from earlier versions (legacy) or where not appropriate (for efficiency, etc.).

38 1a.38 Globus Toolkit Five parts: Common Runtime –GT Core for building new services Security –To provide secure access. Based upon Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) Execution management –Initiation, monitoring, management, scheduling and coordination of executable programs (jobs) Data management –Discover, transfer, and access large data Information services –Discover & monitor dynamic services

39 1a.39 Each part comprises a set of web services and/or non-web service components. Some built upon earlier versions of Globus.

40 Data Management Security Common Runtime Execution Management Information Services Web Services Components Non-WS Components Pre-WS Authentication Authorization GridFTP Grid Resource Allocation Mgmt (Pre-WS GRAM) Monitoring & Discovery System (MDS2) C Common Libraries GT2GT2 WS Authentication Authorization Reliable File Transfer OGSA-DAI [Tech Preview] Grid Resource Allocation Mgmt (WS GRAM) Monitoring & Discovery System (MDS4) Java WS Core Community Authorization Service GT3GT3 Replica Location Service XIO GT3GT3 Credential Management GT4GT4 Python WS Core [contribution] C WS Core Community Scheduler Framework [contribution] Delegation Service GT4GT4 Globus Open Source Grid Software I Foster

41 1a.41 From “Globus Toolkit 4 Tutorial,” MCNC Jan-Feb, 2005, Pawel Plaszczak and Bogdan Lobodzinski, Gridwise Technologies. 2. discover resource 3. submit job 4. transfer data environment GSI GRAM MDS GridFTP

42 1a.42 Supercomputing 2003 Demonstration We used Globus version 2.4 in a Supercomputing 2003 demo organized by the University of Melbourne. 21 countries involved, numerous sites.

43 1a.43

44 1a.44

45 1a.45 A re-implementation of version 2 based upon the Open Grid Service Architecture (OGSA) and Open Grid Service Infrastructure (OGSI) “standards”. The first move towards a web services implementation. We used version 3.2 for the Fall 2004 course. Version 3

46 1a.46 Grid Computing Course (Fall 2004) Originated from WCU on NCREN network. Broadcast to: –UNC-Wilmington –NC State University –UNC-Asheville –UNC-Greensboro –Appalachian State University –NC Central University –Cape Fear Community College –Elon University Instructors: –Barry Wilkinson and Clayton Ferner (UNC-W) Several faculty helped at various sites 43 students WCU teleclassroom

47 1a.47 Participating Sites

48 1a.48 Globus version 3 had a very short life (a little over 2 years, 2002-2004). Underlying implementation of version 3.x used a type of extension to web services (OGSI) that was not embraced by the community. Globus Version 3

49 1a.49 Version 4 Released early 2005. OGSA kept but OGSI abandoned in favor of new implementation standard based around a more compatible version of web services called Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF) standard.

50 1a.50 Participating Sites, Fall 2005 Participating UNC campuses Private institutions

51 1a.51 Fall 2005 Course grid structure MCNCUNC-WUNC-ANCSUWCUUNC-CASU CA Backup facility, not actually used

52 1a.52 National Publicity Science Grid This Week Feature story

53 1a.53 Web Services-Based Grid Computing Grid Computing is now strongly based upon web services. Large number of newly proposed grid computing standards: –WS-Resource Framework –WS-Addressing –etc., etc. …..

54 1a.54 Other grid computing software National Science Foundation started NSF middleware initiative in 2001 for bringing together all important grid computing software including: Grid portals Web based interfaces to accessing and controlling grid resources and to communicate with other members of Virtual Organization

55 1a.55 Grid Computing Course (Spring 2007) Uses GT version 4 (most recent version) Redesigned course, now also with OGCE2/Gridsphere grid computing portal software. Three sites –UNC-Charlotte –UNC-Wilmington –UNC-Asheville

56 1a.56 Other software Meta-schedulers – to allow job to be scheduled across grid resources. Taken some time to develop meta-schedulers. Example Gridway Pre-existing local schedulers schedule jobs once at a local cluster

57 1a.57 Resource Discovery Still primitive and in research but ideal is to be able to submit a job and the system find the best grid resources for that job across the whole grid

58 1a.58 Other issues Account management Users need access to resources, which means one way or the other, users need accounts on all resource at their disposal (or access through common VO accounts). For the course, we set up accounts manually, but in real production grids, use automated tools to assist.

59 1a.59 Security A big issue. Has to cross administrative domains. Agreed mechanisms. Focus is on Internet security mechanisms, modified to handle the special needs of grid computing. Will look at this in detail later in course.

60 1a.60 VisualGrid project Project to develop a grid-enabled a bio- informatics algorithm hardware accelerator – Principal Investigators, Arun A Ravindran and Arindam Mukherjee (EE dept) Grid computing projects at UNC-C

61 1a.61 VisualGrid Project Goal: Collaborative environmental visualization research using a grid computing infrastructure Started Jan 2006 Involves two sites, UNC-Charlotte and UNC-Asheville plus Environment Protection Agency, Raleigh, NC (funding agency) EPA

62 1a.62 Project Structure at UNC-C (Virtual Organization) Visualization Charlotte Visualization Center Bill Ribrasky, Bank of America Endowed Chair of Information Technology (VisualGrid PI) Aidong Lu, Asst. Professor of Computer Science Environmental Studies Global Inst. of Energy & Environmental Syst. Hilary Inyang, Duke Energy Distinguished Professor Sunyoung Bae, Research Associate Grid Infrastructure Barry Wilkinson, Professor of Computer Science

63 1a.63 VisualGrid Infrastructure Group: Goal: To create a geographically distributed set of resources and facilitate collaboration between VisualGrid researchers. Team: Barry Wilkinson Jeremy Villalobos (MS student) Nikul Suthar (MS Student) Keyur Sheth (MS student) Jasper Land (BS student) Department of Computer Science UNC-Charlotte Infrastructure Support 52-node University Research Cluster Chuck Price, Director of University Research Computing Mike Mosley, Senior Systems Developer

64 1a.64 Development System (Four 3.4 Ghz dual Xeons) Visualization lab data server (4 Tbytes) Compute resources 52-node (104 processor) University Research Cluster Software: Globus 4.0, Condor. CA Certificate Authority UNC-Charlotte resources UNC-Asheville resources (8-node system) VisualGrid Configuration VisualGrid portal

65 1a.65 National Attention Listed as one of the portals to use OGCE2

66 1a.66

67 1a.67 UNC-Asheville Bioinformatics hardware accelerator 52-node UNC-Charlotte university research cluster UNC-C Dept of CS grid computing development system 4TB Windows 2003 data server reached through (samba mount)

68 1a.68 Sample VisualGrid portlets One CMAQ script editing portlet CMAQ portlet, main page CMAQ settings portlet Tabs for various CMAQ actions

69 1a.69 VisualGrid Links VisualGrid Infrastructure group page VisualGrid portal VisualGrid Portal User’s Guide wiki

70 1a.70 There will (may) be multiple-choice quizzes in the course (on-line through WebCT). Quiz Question: What is a virtual organization? (a) An imaginary company. (b) A web-based organization. (c) A group of people geographically distributed that come together from different organizations to work on grid project. (d) A group of people that come together to work on a virtual reality grid project.

71 1a.71 Questions

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