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Unit8: Town and country Step1-2 : the end of village life ? SB p 62-63 وزارة التربية التوجيه الفني العام للغة الانجليزية المركز الإقليمي لتطوير البرمجيات.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit8: Town and country Step1-2 : the end of village life ? SB p 62-63 وزارة التربية التوجيه الفني العام للغة الانجليزية المركز الإقليمي لتطوير البرمجيات."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit8: Town and country Step1-2 : the end of village life ? SB p 62-63 وزارة التربية التوجيه الفني العام للغة الانجليزية المركز الإقليمي لتطوير البرمجيات التعليمية

2 If you have the chance to choose the place that you live in, what are the factors you'll will depend on in your choice ?

3 Which place do you prefer to live in? City Country

4 Why do you choose to live in city ? 1-The good infrastructure 2-the good public service 3-........................... 4-............................ Better paid job

5 Why do you choose to live in country? 1- less pollution 2-less crowding 3-.................. Tension of the city life

6 According to this question you can find why do people don't like to live a rural life Rural : relating to the country side

7 People look for infrastructure infrastructure: the basics for life

8 So the depopulation of the country is decreased Depopulation : the process of the number of people reducing in an area

9 The facilities in the towns leads to make a deserted country Deserted : abandoned or neglected

10 It means a vacant farm jobs Vacant : empty

11 The overcrowding town and deserted country cause unemployment Unemployment : lack of jobs

12 It reverses the economy status of the areas in one country Reverse : make some thing the opposite

13 Farmers don't grow crops and there is no export only import Export : selling goods from country to another one

14 Poverty is a socioeconomic problem in both the country and the city

15 S o c i o e c o n o m i c p r o b l e m Overcrowding Unemployment Deserted country side Bad infrastructure Vacant farm jobs

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