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To be in, or to be out? Stefano Moro City of Turin.

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Presentation on theme: "To be in, or to be out? Stefano Moro City of Turin."— Presentation transcript:

1 to be in, or to be out? Stefano Moro City of Turin

2 type  Social network founder & CEO  Mark Zuckerberg birthday  february 4, 2004 headquarters  Palo Alto & Dublin employees  more than 900 users  more than 300 millions website  data sheet

3 Blog Chat Picture sharing Messaging Search Mobile Networks Social bookmarking features Applications Games Events Video sharing Microblog Social tagging Pages Groups

4 Friend  person who has joined a profile, usually by invitation Profile  displays user's personal information and their interactions with friends Group  site on FB created by bands, companies and other organizations to promote activities Page  similar to a Group, but not related to individuals. A site on FB intended for businesses, brands and entities in general glossary

5 Application  game or utility that users can add to their profiles, pages and groups Fan  who has joined a page Member  who has joined a group Status  micro-blogging feature which allows users to inform their friends of their current thoughts Wall  a space inside a FB profile where every friend can post messages for all to see

6 to be in‏ participation friends community share bookmarking information user centered communication upload social events news mash-up appointments

7 my pictures what I’m doing now my friends my music comments favourite pages next events

8 I’m here here are my pictures these are my friends this is my political party this is my favourite music these are places where I go this is what I think this is my little son this is what I’m doing

9 it looks interesting

10 but…

11 are you sure this is what you want?

12 I’m drunk, how can I work tomorrow??!!


14 or this…



17 or to be out? privacy keyhole private matters emotions personal information risk big brother i dentity theft danger children voyeurism false friends

18 What does it mean to share your children pictures to 450 people on FB?

19 What does it mean to write every time what are you thinking about?

20 What does it mean to write every day where you’ll spend the night?

21 Sharing what? data information emotions

22 we share

23 explicit

24 and implicit

25 information

26 about us

27 and our world

28 (sometimes)

29 without noticing!

30 are we ready to control this information and emotions exchange?

31 and Public Administration

32 Berlin  Dresden  Dusseldorf  Dublin  Bologna  Florence  Turin  Lisbon  Edinburgh  Cities on FB samples

33 information press release meteo polling pictures/videos webcam RSS applications daily blogging comments

34 Web 2.0 & PA interaction return channel participation new technology but also cultural changing


36 single channel relevance is relative

37 it's important

38 a multichannel presence

39 of the Cities

40 also in community

41 not used

42 to an “institutional” presence

43 and Facebook is “only” a channel

44 bidirectional and multidirectional

45 very “crawded” today

46 where City presence may have a meaning

47 but

48 with the ability to look “beyond”

49 thank you

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