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SENG 531: Labs TA: Brad Cossette Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday.

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Presentation on theme: "SENG 531: Labs TA: Brad Cossette Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday."— Presentation transcript:

1 SENG 531: Labs TA: Brad Cossette Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday 3-4pm ICT 524

2 Labs This Week: Monday  Reading Academic Papers Wednesday  Presenting your Academic Paper

3 Presenting your Paper 1. Basic Points to Remember 2. Structuring/Creating Your Presentation 3. Delivery

4 Basic Points to Remember Your goal when presenting is to make your audience understand your paper  Figure the paper takes a few hours to understand  Your presentation is 9-10 minutes

5 Basic Points to Remember(2) Remember from Monday’s talk:  Don’t get bogged down in details  Balance your presentation for Rob & the class You have to demonstrate to Rob you grasp the hard stuff You want to still hold onto the attention of your peers

6 Basic Points to Remember(3) Please remember that you’re the future audience  Gold Rule for Class Presentations  Be aware that you can do a lot of things to unnerve your presenter Do your best to give them your attention Asking questions shows interest Use body language to show attentiveness

7 Creating your Presentation Remember the 3 questions: 1. What’s the problem? 2. How do they solve it? 3. What do I think of their solution?

8 Creating your Presentation(2) You have 9-10 minutes to address all 3. One suggestion: 1. What’s the problem? 2-3 minutes 2. How do they solve it? 4-5 minutes 3. What do I think of their solution? 1-3 minutes

9 Creating your Presentation(3) The hard part is up to you – what content do you present?  The only right or wrong answer comes at the end when everyone has to hear it.  Be self-critical – if you presented what you have to yourself, would it make sense? Would you start doing pencil tattoos?

10 Structuring your Presentation Suggestion for an outline: 1. Introduction 2. Motivation or Background 3. Solution 4. Evaluation 5. Critique 6. Conclusion

11 Structuring your Presentation(2) Don’t bother with an outline slide Rule of thumb: 1-2 minutes per slide.  So no more then 10 slides if you can help it Don’t end on a Questions slide or Blank  Pet peeve of Rob

12 Structuring your Presentation(3) Outline what you want to say before you create your slides  Make sure your points are reasonable in the time allowed  Chop off stuff that just takes too long to explain Pictures, Diagrams, Charts  They will help you maintain attention

13 Structuring your Presentation(4) 10-20-30 Rule  10 slides  20 minutes Obviously doesn’t apply here  Nothing less then 30 pt. font Your slides will not be notes, they’re guides  Don’t put the paper on your slides

14 Delivery: The Basics Be presentable  Guys: shave. Shower. Do your laundry. Make us want to listen  Be confident Comes with preparation or self-delusion  Command attention in your demeanour Show enthusiasm about your paper Opening scene in Patton

15 Delivery: The Basics(2) Be prepared  Any problems in setup or getting started will rob you of your chutzpah. Speech: Slowly and Clearly  You will tend to speak fast nervousness running out of time

16 Delivery: The Basics(3) Practice  To finish bang on 9-10 minutes, you will need to rehearse.  If you need to look at the slides or notes to remember what to say, you lose attention.

17 Delivery: What not to do Slides  Don’t write full paragraphs  Don’t put on your slides exactly what you’re going to say  Don’t look at the screen during your talk!

18 Delivery: What not to do(2) Slides Slides –Use (without ABUSING) color –Don’t animate or have running animations during your talk Your slides are a backup to your talk They should not be taking the attention off of you or on what you’re saying

19 Delivery: What not to do(3) Delivery  Don’t hide behind the podium Gripping the podium is even worse  Avoid laser pointers whenever possible  Don’t turn your back on your audience No matter how good you think your humps are

20 Delivery: What to do Delivery  Pace yourself Keep a watch on hand you can look at Make a conscious effort to slow down.  Don’t be distracted by your audience  Don’t be distracted by Rob He may look like you said something wrong … but he just remembered he didn’t get his change back at Tim Horton’s.

21 Delivery: What to do(2) Delivery  Know what you want to say Write your complete speech out Have a backup for brain-farts  Be confident You will likely be the only one in the know  Have fun Showing enthusiasm is a good thing  Even if you have to fake it

22 Grading This is NOT official, but: Rob will likely mark you on three things  Content  Delivery  Polish

23 Grading(2) Content  The three questions  What does the class take home? Delivery  Did your presentation hurt or help your cause? Polish  The “Daaaaamn!” factor

24 Labs Next Week: Monday  Demos Wednesday  Demos After next week, there will be no more labs in the course

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