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Introduction to Multimedia Technology College Hall 205 01/09/2015

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Multimedia Technology College Hall 205 01/09/2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Multimedia Technology College Hall 205 01/09/2015

2 JMA501 – Instructor/GA Dr. John Shepherd ( a.k.a. Shep, John) Associate Professor in JMA. Founder of the Grad/Undergrad Multimedia majors (1995 and 2001) BS Management Science, from CMU, Ph.D. Operations Research and Systems Management. Pitt, Information Technology Masters Duquesne Office – 529 COLH Office hours – MW 1:00-2:00, 3:00-4:00 and by Appointment Phone – 412 – 396 -5772 E-mail – GA: Ben BrodeBen Brode

3 Background 10 years as IT professional, with small company…Boss, secretary, me..adjunct hired me – Clients: Steelers, Penguins IUP for 10 years teaching IT courses Duquesne for many years SOB (IT courses), Rangos ( Health Management Systems), College (was Chair) teach multimedia courses

4 Who are you: name, concentration, Introduce self to people next to you

5 Schedule Course Syllabus/Schedule:

6 User folder Aka network folder Aka Z: drive Inside the folder is a pub folder, where we store content to be made over the Internet. To access it, must login to a server computer

7 User Name and Password To connect to our network, and thus to your user folder (aka z:), from within either of our two labs (205 or 345) – Ctrl-Alt-Delete – Username: Your Dori/Blackboard login name – PW: Your Dori password – Check for Z: drive (A shortcut to your user folder, which is on a computer at CTS) – Check for pub folder (Its content is available via Internet)

8 JMA501 – Course goals Blend technology and applicable applications. Create websites that incorporate multimedia assets. Use HTML 5 and a Graphical User Interface application (Dreamweaver) to create interactive multimedia-based websites.

9 Goals…cont Create digital videos for playback on the Web or DVD Carry out Video compression Use Adobe’s Illustrator and Photoshop to create vector and raster graphics. Discuss sound: It’s technology and use in a Web page Use Adobe Media Encoder to convert among sound and video formats

10 JMA501 - Assignments Due at the end of the day (11:59 PM). Late assignments receive a 10% per class penalty, maximum 30% After two weeks, can’t hand in assignments Actual assignments on 501 class site Use Blackboard to submit work: Submit the URL (address) to your index.htm page or the assignment URL

11 Blackboard-submitting homework Login to Blackboard Find, then click Assignments button,

12 Assignments…

13 JMA501 – Tools Adobe CC 2014 (Creative Cloud): Buy : About $500 Use labs ( 205, room 345 ) zero cost to you Rent: About $30/month, but needs 12 month commitment Use Notepad for HTML

14 JMA501 – Media Site gart-jma-501-61-intro-multi-tech

15 JMA 501 – Applications Adobe Illustrator, vector graphics- resizable

16 MM 501 – Applications Photoshop: Image editing - raster graphics

17 JMA 501 – Video Premiere Pro create videos for DVD and Web Encore to author DVDs with menus

18 JMA 501 – HTML The Web Project Body of Web page

19 JMA 501 – Web WYSIWYG Web development :GUI Graphical User Interface Adobe- Dreamweaver

20 Parent and child folders Parent of folder F2 Child of folder F1, a Parent of folder F3 F1 F2 F3 Child of folder F2

21 Folder Files PUB Folder Your Space User folder– aka. Z: drive Must be in 205 We created for you (Computer name)

22 Folder File PUB Folder Your Space All files for the Web must be in PUB User folder

23 Path to user folder (Path to your users folder) – It’s your private /network folder – It’s a child of the users folder ( which is the parent folder): Short cut—Z:

24 Pub Folder Only on Z: drive We created it Open Z: Should see the pub folder

25 How do I access my user folder from off-campus (Can also be used on-campus) – Use File Transfer Protocol Example: – You may be prompted for your user name and password – Best to enter the above command in the address bar of any application; except i.e. I use “Computer” application

26 How do I access the server: FTP Like http:, FTP is a protocol --a set of rules -- If prompted for your user name and password – Use your Dori login information Open Computer icon Enter:

27 Credentials

28 Adding a JMA501 folder inside Pub folder Path to pub: Double-click your Z: drive This places you inside users/YourloginName folder Browse to pub Right-click in a white area Choose Create>New folder Name it JMA501

29 Browser URLs (Uniform Resource Locator) Note: Index.htm is special file …what’s special? The URL (path) to a page in your web site (in pub).depends on how you structured your folders URL= Universal Resource Locator Example Assuming your file name is index.htm in the JMA501 folder the address would be: – Can do away with http, and index.htm …why?

30 Changing the way folders display Experiment with the options

31 What to NOT show Also, don’t hide extensions

32 Room Access You should have access to room 205, 345 and the building. Use handicapped button on building entrance

33 Index cards – Name – Major/track Knowledge (1-10) of : – HTML, – Photoshop, – Dreamweaver, – Illustrator – Premiere/DVD Creation

34 The End

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