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 Hello! My name is Jan. I have always dreamt about going to London. My dream has finally come true! I have 435 pounds to spend on whatever I want to!

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Presentation on theme: " Hello! My name is Jan. I have always dreamt about going to London. My dream has finally come true! I have 435 pounds to spend on whatever I want to!"— Presentation transcript:


2  Hello! My name is Jan. I have always dreamt about going to London. My dream has finally come true! I have 435 pounds to spend on whatever I want to! My girlfriend and I are setting off this evening and we`ll spend one week there ! It will be a great experience! I`m so excited about it! We will travel by plane. I`ve already bought the tickets. They cost 50 pounds.

3 The first day It is 8 a.m. We`ve just arrived.Wow… We are staying in the five-stars hotel. It`s beautiful… We have an enormous room. It is decorated in original design. It's the most beautiful room I have ever seen and it`s mine! There is also a fireplace, bookcase and a sunlit kitchen.. So, today we are going to rest after the trip and unpack our suitcases. One day in my room costs 40 pounds..In my opinion it is a very reasonable price.

4  My bed is so comfortable! I woke up very happy. Today I feel like eating croissant with chocolate and ice cream. It costs me only 2 pounds. We’re going to the beach this afternoon. We will have some fun. For example, we are going to rent a motorboat. After this, I will invite my girlfriend for the dinner under the beach umbrellas. All day costs 15 pounds.

5 The third day My girlfriend and I are going sightseeing today. I would like to see Broadway Tower, Iron Bridge and many other interesting landmarks. We had a wonderful tour guide who was talking interestingly about many things. I love going sightseeing! Unfortunately, this day wasn`t cheap… It cost me 20 pounds

6  Today, my girlfriend and I intend to take some pictures. We will have a beautiful keepsake when we get back home. The London is such a wonderful place! One day I will for sure come back here !

7 The fifth day  We did a lot photos yesterday! Furthermore, we met Angelina Jolie and Brad Pit, when we were walking around! My girlfriend loves them and meeting them was a wonderful adventure.  Today, I feel like eating something new, something strange. I have never eaten seafood. This evening, I will have a delicious supper. It cost me 2 pounds.

8 T HE SIXTH DAY Oh my God! Eating seafood wasn`t a good idea! I didn't feel anything except nausea. Today I won`t try any rarities… This afternoon, we are going sightseeing around the city again. We are visiting Royal Pavilion, Fort Belvedere and Soho House. Our trip did not cost much. I spent only 8 pounds.

9 The last day in London The last day? This time passed so quickly! Today, we want to go to the beach again and enjoy the last hours in here. We will sunbathe, swim, take photos, and rent a sailboat again. We had to buy return tickets too. It cost me 50 pounds. At 14 o’clock we had to get back to our hotel to pack up. We said goodbye to London with a great sadness.

10  Less pleasant thing.. I have to analyze how much money I spent.  I had 435 pounds..  -> hotel cost me 280 pounds  -> pleasures cost me 45 pounds  -> tickets cost me 100 pounds  I have 10 pounds yet

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