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Dances with Vegetables Content §Y? Veggies §Pre-requisite of a Healthful Plant-based Diet §Healthful Veg for the Beginners §Spirit of Vegetarianism §Taking.

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2 Dances with Vegetables

3 Content §Y? Veggies §Pre-requisite of a Healthful Plant-based Diet §Healthful Veg for the Beginners §Spirit of Vegetarianism §Taking the 1st baby step

4 Y? VEG Compassion Beauty Wisdom Physique Charm

5 This is the world today... Abuse, Murder, Violence prevails Y? Veg

6 In 1999 : in order JUST to feed fellow Singaporeans: EveryDAY , §1270 pigs were slaughtered and 40 tons of pork were imported §2260 chickens were slaughtered , and 210 tons of chicken meat were imported §Beef, 37 tons §Fish, 272 tons Y? Veg

7 This is the world today... Environment is polluted Eco-system is upset Human survival is threatened Y? Veg

8 ~~ Meat eating is inefficient “16kg of grains is needed to produce 1kg of beef” §75% of corn, wheat, oat and other cereals from developing countries are used to feed farm animals §In the USA, 80% of corn, 95% of oat are also fed to farm animals §Cereals and soy produced in the USA could sustain a population of 1.3billion. §Globally, all food fed to farm animals could sustain the entire Earth population §Land used to sustain 10 meat-eaters is good for 200 vegetarians. ~~ Meat eating causes land damage §50% of the land on Earth is used to sustain farm animals. §Deforestation causes deprivation of soil nutrients : In the USA , 75% of their land has lost its top soil (fertility) ; 85% of such damage is due to meat industries. Y? Veg

9 ~~ Water Pollution §The total animal waste globally is 130 times of that of the entire human population §Farm animal related fertilizers cause 30-40% of current Nitrite-Phosphate pollution of the water ~~ Eco-system Imbalance and Starvation §Deforestation causes more than 1000 species to become extinct every year  There are 25% human population starving nowadays, ironically, there are also many people suffering from obesity and eating-habit related diseases reference: John Robbins 的 Diet for a New America 和 The Food Revolution Y? Veg

10 Nowadays, humans are suffering from degenerative diseases Y? Veg

11 Pre-requisite for a Healthful Plant-based Diet §Make a vow §Be less selective about food §Take a mid-path §Jump out of our comfort zone §Keep in touch with healthful vegetarians §Be flexible and creative

12 Healthful Veg for the BEGINNERS Nuts & Seeds Legumes Fruits & Vegetables Whole Grain

13 §Whole Grains -- Low GI §Fruits -- Digestive Enzymes §Vegetables -- Fibre, Iron etc §Legumes -- Bal. Betw. Protein & Calcium §Nuts & Seeds -- EFA, Micronutrients Healthful Veg for the BEGINNERS

14 How to begin? Do Plan and Change your Diet in a Gradual manner -- 1/2 - 1year -- gradually cut down on the type of meat -- gradually increase the number of veg meals -- communicate well with family and friends -- open up for veg updates, pick up veg cooking skills and veg survival tricks Healthful Veg for the BEGINNERS

15 HARMONY as the ultimate goal Spirit of Vegetarianism

16 Detach from being bound by our Taste Buds to allow our caring instinct to surface Plant-based Diet + Moderate Exercise and Positive Mindset || Quality and Healthy Living

17 Y? Veg Respect Lives, Environmental Protection, Foundation for Healthier Living Pre-requisite Vow, comfy zone & prejudices, moderation Beginners Whole Grain, Fruits & Veg, Legumes, Nuts & Seeds Spirit Harmony Taking the 1st Baby Step (Summary)

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