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Why choose Spanish as a second Language? Robert Sherman.

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Presentation on theme: "Why choose Spanish as a second Language? Robert Sherman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why choose Spanish as a second Language? Robert Sherman

2 A.Language Dispersement the 10 most spoken languages(1999) 1.Chinese (all) 1,343,755,000 2.Hindi 487,000,000 3.English 508,000,000 4.Spanish 417,000,000 5.Arabic 280,000,000 6.Russian 277,000,000 7.Bangali 211,000,000 8.Portugese 191,000,000 9.German 128,000,000 10.Japanese 126,000,000

3 B. Why choose Spanish 1. Alphabet sounds become words,Spanish follows a lot of its grammar and spelling rules 2. Many words are just a translation of our words 3. Geographically close, Immersion often leads to some comprehension

4 Alphabet follows rules If you know the alphabet, you can say any word that comes your way Specials CC=x LL=Y R-roll H=nothing Ch=ch, n with squiggly=y sound


6 Just a translation… Examples Computadora Dancar(verb) Carro Aeroliñas Nota Espiritu Especial Restaurar Sal Contradecir Medio Medico Employador Telefono

7 Being immersed in the language We live in a location of high Spanish concentration We are geographicly closer to latin countries Do you remember your 1st time in a pool? Thrown in, sink or swim We live in a location of high Spanish concentration Curtain areas are “Spanish deep end” How often are you speaking it? terminology

8 Spanish Alphabet=words + Shares words + Dialects - Verb conjugation - Speed and Accent - -

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