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Post-2015 Development Agenda Emerging Cross-Cutting Themes December 5, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Post-2015 Development Agenda Emerging Cross-Cutting Themes December 5, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Post-2015 Development Agenda Emerging Cross-Cutting Themes December 5, 2013


3 Emerging Cross-Cutting Themes Review of current activities Cross-cutting approaches to Health Education and Employment Water and Food Security Growing interest in financing for development

4 Multiple Reports Multiple and competing reports HLPF and SDSN reports early in year Reports from UNDG, UNSG and UN NGLS in August and September This last being Advancing Regional Recommendations for the Post2015 DA Discussed at MDG Summit and other September events at UN General Assembly

5 OWG has determined that: Major Groups may participate UN Technical Support Team briefs on energy, macroeconomic policy questions, and sustained and inclusive economic growth, infrastructure development and industrialization

6 OWG Process Session 4: 17 to 19 June Employment and decent work for all, social protection, youth, education and culture Health and population dynamics Poverty eradication emphasis

7 Fifth Session OWG Process Session 5: 25 to 27 November Sustained and inclusive economic growth Macroeconomic policy questions, including international trade, international financial system and external debt sustainability Infrastructure development and industrialization, including energy

8 Sixth Session OWG Process Session on 9-13 December 2013 Means of implementation, global partnership for achieving sustainable development, human rights The needs of countries in special situations Science, technology and innovation, knowledge sharing and capacity building

9 Sustainable Development Financing Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing August and again on 2 to 6 Dec Assessing financing needs, existing instruments and additional initiatives Three clusters – financing, mobilization, and institutional arrangements Steering Committee of Non-State Actors – four from Major Groups, four from Financing for Development Constituency - two civil society and two private sector

10 Consensus Vision of poverty eradication and universal human development o Dynamic and resilient economies o Healthy and resilient environment o Sustained and sustainable social and economic progress o Multi-dimensional approach encompassing a cross- cutting objective

11 Broad Support Poverty eradication Employment Education Health Water and sanitation Food security Universal attainment of a social development threshold

12 Health in Post-2015 International organizations o WHO in the lead but also UNICEF, FAO and UN General Assembly NGOs o NCD Alliance (WHF, IDF, IUCC and others) o International HIV/AIDS Alliance, Roll Back Malaria o Handicap International, HelpAge International o Save the Children, World Vision international Foundations o Rockefeller Foundation, Gates Foundation, GAVI Alliance

13 Health NGO Strategy Meeting Convened by NCD Alliance, UN Foundation and International HIV/AIDS Alliance Over 35 NGOs participated – from MNCH, nutrition, ageing, disability as well as core groups Identify opportunities for collaboration and joint advocacy Debate over role of universal health coverage o Goal versus enabler o WHO and World Bank process on metrics Integrating health across other dimensions of sustainable development

14 Health in Post-2015 Single, overarching health goal o Maximize health at all stages of life o Maximize health life expectancy o Quality of life of those with disabilities Universal health coverage o Access to quality basic health services o Health promotion, prevention and treatment o Protection from illness and disability

15 Health in Post-2015 Integration into all three dimensions of sustainable development Health sensitive indicators throughout – new position paper o Inclusive economic growth o Sustainable industrialization o Decent employment, a healthy workforce, o Gender equality and inclusive economic growth o Infrastructure, trade, financial stability o Energy, water, sanitation and climate change

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