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Tanzania’s Employment Challenge A Presentation to the Development Partners’ Group 8 January 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Tanzania’s Employment Challenge A Presentation to the Development Partners’ Group 8 January 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tanzania’s Employment Challenge A Presentation to the Development Partners’ Group 8 January 2007

2 Content 1.Employment Situation 2.Government Objectives and Targets 3.Ongoing Initiatives in Tanzania 4.Growth, Poverty and Employment Nexus 5.The Decent Work Agenda 6.Entry Points for DPG action

3 Labour Force Survey of 2001 Total population: 32.8 million Labour force: 17.8 million

4 Employment by Sector 1990/91 2000/01

5 Government Objectives  MKUKUTA: Cluster 1 (economic growth), goal 1 (sound economic management), operational target 1.2 (reduce unemployment from 12.9% in 2001 to 6.9% in 2010);  MKUZA: Cluster 1 (economic growth), goal 3 (reduce income poverty), operational target 3.1 (reduce unemployment from 7% in 2005 to 4% in 2010

6 Magnitude of the challenge

7 Ongoing Initiatives 1.The ongoing integrated Labour Force Survey (results expected during 2007); 2.The national Employment Policy (awaiting approval by Cabinet); 3.Design of a comprehensive Employment Strategy (MoL/UNDP/ILO), in consultation with regional authorities, the private sector, and civil society. 4.The “One million jobs” promise, backed by a budget allocation of 1 billion TSh per region; 5.Elaboration of Tanzania’s first National Employment Report, and launch of the National Employment Week (January 2007); 6.Joint ILO/UNICEF initiative on youth employment; 7.Joint UN programme on agricultural and private sector development for youth employment (ILO, UNDP, FAO, UNIDO and WFP).

8 The Nexus between Growth, Employment and Poverty Reduction Economic growth Rate of poverty reduction The “employment lever”

9 The Decent Work Agenda The ILO defines Decent Work “as full and productive employment exercised in conditions of freedom, equity, security and dignity”. The Decent Work Agenda has four pillars:  Employment: the principal route out of poverty is productive work and income;  Rights: any form of employment must observe the fundamental principles and rights at work;  Protection: basic social protection is indispensable to secure employment and income;  Dialogue: workers, employers and government must work together in shaping economic and social policies. At the country level, the Decent Work Agenda is implemented through Decent Work Country Programmes

10 Decent Work: A Global Goal  2004: The AU Extraordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government on Poverty and Employment adopts a declaratiln and a lan of action on the basis of the DWA.  2005: the UN World Summit Outcome document recognizes the centrality of employment for poverty reduction;  2006: The ECOSOC High Level Segment adopts a Ministerial Declaration on full and productive employment;  2006: the European Commission adopts a communication entitled “Promoting Decent Work for all – the EU contribution to the implementation of the Decent Work Agenda in the world”.  2006: ILO’s tripartite constituents in Asia and in the Americas launch “Decent Work Decades”

11 Entry points: Policy Level  Recognize the centrality of employment for poverty reduction in development frameworks (MKUKUTA, JAST, UNDAF etc.)  Evaluate all policy and investment decisions in light of their job creation potential, and focus on labour-intensive programmes and value chains;  Create a conducive environment for private sector development and community-based initiatives;  Improve infrastructure.

12 Entry Points: Institutional level  Establish efficient labour market institutions (employment services etc.);  Strengthen, extend and generalize social dialogue through appropriate laws, rules and institutions;  Extend social protection through an adequate mix of formal institutions, community-based schemes, and cash transfers.  Improve governance in and of the informal economy;  Address market failures, such as monopoly situations.

13 Entry Points: Micro level (supply)  Invest in people: universal basic education, demand-oriented vocational training, modernized apprenticeship systems, private-public partnerships for professional training;  Facilitate self-employment through entrepreneurship training, micro-finance schemes, better market access, appropriate safety nets, and organization building (associations, SACCOs, shared service cooperatives etc.);  Improve productivity to raise incomes.

14 Entry points: Micro level (demand)  Invest in manufacturing and agro- processing (bio fuel?) to provide alternatives to small-scale agriculture;  Chose labour-intensive technologies and value chains;  Develop non-traditional sectors, such as the creative industries and traditional knowledge systems;  Focus on local economic development and community-based ventures;  Develop export markets;

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