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Towards the Romania of 2022. PRINCIPLES OF PROGRAMMING The social and macroeconomic policy of Europe is the policy of Romania EU projects represent a.

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1 Towards the Romania of 2022

2 PRINCIPLES OF PROGRAMMING The social and macroeconomic policy of Europe is the policy of Romania EU projects represent a priority The European guidelines and strategies have to be adapted to the national context National potential and opportunities should be used efficiently Set up a large and efficient partnership – at the national and regional levels; strengthen the communication between the national and regional/ local levels

3 PRINCIPLES OF PROGRAMMING Public expenditure will be focused on long term structural reform and investments targeted towards sustainable growth and job creation Maximization of results by attracting private resources and through alternative financial mechanisms; strong international partnership and cooperation with IFIs Use the lessons learnt during the 2007-2013 period Strengthen management capacities in both the public and private sectors Strengthen national coordination; ensure sound financial management, a transparent system and observance of public procurement legislation

4 Key European commitments, policies, strategies Europe 2020 commitments Common Agricultural Policy Common Fisheries Policy Other Sectorial Directives and Guidelines Horizon 2020&COSME Strategy for Danube region ERASMUS for ALL LIFE programme Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) and TEN policy

5 National commitments, policies, strategies National Development Strategy National Reform Programme 2014-2016 National Roma Strategy National Strategy for healthcare system Strategy for Employment, including special approach for young people National strategy for poverty reduction 8 Regional Development Strategies Strategy for preventing early school leaving National strategy for preventing drought risk National research and innovation strategy National Transport Master-plan

6 KEY ACTIONS FOR EFFICIENT PROGRAMMING Thorough analysis of the current socio-economic situation and identification of the main challenges Involvement of all stakeholders active in the implementation of the current programming period in designing the future financing scheme Focus on a minimum set of priorities Use of the most appropriate technical assistance, including the results of the evaluations Designing the National Reform Programme and the Partnership Agreement in a coordinated manner

7 MAIN CHALLENGES KEY PRIORITIES FOR PUBLIC INVESTMENTS MAIN CHALLENGES KEY PRIORITIES FOR PUBLIC INVESTMENTS Lack of an integrated approach for the strategic development of a territorial area Insufficient specialisation for competitive advantages Low level of productivity and poor access to financing Inefficient investments in research and innovation Need to comply with the environmental acquis Weak transport infrastructure Significant impact of the economic crisis on the labour market Uneven access to social assistance and many vulnerable groups Inefficient health services Inefficient public administration High incidence of poverty Low efficiency in using energy resources Increased dropout rate from schools Huge effects of natural disasters (floods, drought, snow)

8 KEY PRIORITIES FOR PUBLIC INVESTMENTS Extensive use of the integrated approach at a territorial level Ensure better access to basic infrastructure Improve economic competitiveness and the business environment Investments in transport infrastructure Increase the efficiency of energy resources Reduce poverty Improve access to health services and other social services Increase the capacity of public administration to deliver Reduce the impact of natural disasters Ensure long term employment

9 NEXT STEPS  Carry out an analysis of socio-economic and development disparities  September - December 2012  Identification of the needs and strategic priorities of development  December – January 2012  Drafting the first version of the Partnership Agreement  December 2012  Establishing the list of Operational Programmes and designation of the managing bodies  January 2013  Drafting the first versions of the Operational Programmes  January – June 2013

10 NEXT STEPS  Informal/official negotiations with the European Commission on finalizing the programming documents  During the year 2013  Continuous activities during the programming process and institutional preparation  Ex-ante evaluation  Partnership consultations  Dissemination of information/public debates


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