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Disassemble, Assemble and Perform a Function Check on the M203

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Presentation on theme: "Disassemble, Assemble and Perform a Function Check on the M203"— Presentation transcript:

1 Disassemble, Assemble and Perform a Function Check on the M203

2 Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Disassemble, Assemble and Perform a Function Check on the M203 Grenade Launcher Conditions: Given a M203 Grenade Launcher and a requirement to disassemble, assemble and perform a function check on the weapon Standards: Properly disassemble, assemble and perform a function check on the M203 Grenade Launcher

3 Components of the M203 Grenade Launcher

4 Removing Quadrant Sight

5 Removing Handguards

6 Unlocking and Opening the M203 Barrel

7 Removing the M203 Barrel

8 Installing the M203 Barrel

9 Locking the M203 Barrel

10 Installing the Handguards

11 Installing the Quadrant Sight

12 Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Disassemble, Assemble and Perform a Function Check on the M203 Grenade Launcher Conditions: Given a M203 Grenade Launcher and a requirement to disassemble, assemble and perform a function check on the weapon Standards: Properly disassemble, assemble and perform a function check on the M203 Grenade Launcher

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