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Bismarckian politics. William I., King of Prussia.

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1 Bismarckian politics


3 William I., King of Prussia

4 Germany after 1815

5 German unification I Bismarck is a power politician

6 German unification I Bismarck is a power politician His aim is Prussian supremacy within a unified „small“ Germany

7 German unification I Bismarck is a power politician His aim is Prussian supremacy within a unified „small“ Germany He is a conservative Junker

8 German unification I Bismarck is a power politician His aim is Prussian supremacy within a unified „small“ Germany He is a conservative Junker „Decisions are made by blood and iron“

9 German unification I Bismarck is a power politician His aim is Prussian supremacy within a unified „small“ Germany He is a conservative Junker „Decisions are made by blood and iron“ Revolution from above – unification by the means of war

10 German unification I War against Denmark in 1864

11 German unification I War against Denmark in 1864 War against Austria in 1866

12 The battle of Königgrätz, July 1866

13 The North German Confederation 1867

14 German unification I War against Denmark in 1864 War against Austria in 1866 War against France in 1870/71

15 Bismarck leads Napoleon III. to William I. after the battle of Sedan, 2. September 1871

16 William I is proclaimed German emperor in the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles, 18. January 1871

17 Hissing of the German flag at Vanves, 19. January 1871

18 German Empire 1871

19 Marianne comforting Elsa after the loss of Alsace-Lorraine

20 German unification II Custom‘s Union 1834

21 German unification II Customs Union 1836

22 German unification II Customs Union 1854

23 German unification II Customs Union 1871

24 German unification III „If we place German liberalism in the full European context, then the investment of liberal hopes in the Bismarckian settlement of 67 – 71 appears not as a liberalism-denying compromise, but as a powerful, if unfinished, realization of liberal visions of the future (…) Germany was remade along the lines German liberals had broadly envisaged.“ Geoff Eley

25 Kulturkampf All schools placed under state supervision

26 Kulturkampf All schools placed under state supervision Jesuit order banned (1872)

27 Kulturkampf All schools placed under state supervision Jesuit order banned (1872) May Laws (1873)

28 Kulturkampf All schools placed under state supervision Jesuit order banned (1872) May Laws (1873) Civil marriage introduced (1874/75)

29 Kulturkampf All schools placed under state supervision Jesuit order banned (1872) May Laws (1873) Civil marriage introduced (1874/75) Suspension of church subsidies, dissolution of religious orders (1875)

30 Ferdinand Lassalle August Bebel

31 Foundation of the German Social Democratic Party in Gotha 1875

32 Anti-socialist bill 1878 Socialist and communist meetings, societies and publications forbidden Socialist agitators expelled

33 Anti-socialist bill 1878 Socialist and communist meetings, societies and publications forbiden Socialist agitators expelled Socialist parliamentary party persisted!

34 Results of the federal elections in 1878 and in 1890

35 poor family in Berlin around 1900

36 German welfare state Sickness insurance act in 1883

37 German welfare state Sickness insurance act in 1883 Accident insurance act in 1884

38 German welfare state Sickness insurance act in 1883 Accident insurance act in 1884 Sickness and accident insurance for agricultural workers in 1886

39 German welfare state Sickness insurance act in 1883 Accident insurance act in 1884 Sickness and accident insurance for agricultural workers in 1886 Old age and invalidity insurance act in 1889

40 Europe at the age of Bismarck

41 Bismarckian system Three Emperors‘ League in 1873 (Germany – Russia – Austria-Hungary)

42 Berlin Congress, 1878

43 Bismarckian system Three Emperors‘ League in 1873 (Germany – Russia – Austria-Hungary) Dual Alliance in 1879 (Germany – Austria- Hungary)

44 Bismarckian system Three Emperors‘ League in 1873 (Germany – Russia – Austria-Hungary) Dual Alliance in 1879 (Germany – Austria- Hungary) Three Emperors‘ Agreement in 1881 (Germany – Russia – Austria-Hungary)

45 Bismarckian system Three Emperors‘ League in 1773 (Germany – Russia – Austria-Hungary) Dual Alliance in 1879 (Germany – Austria- Hungary) Three Emperors‘ Agreement in 1881 (Germany – Russia – Austria-Hungary) Triple Alliance in 1882 (Germany – Italy – Austria-Hungary)

46 Bismarckian system Mediterranean Agreement I and II in 1887 (Britain, Italy, Austria-Hungary)

47 Bismarckian system Mediterranean Agreement I and II in 1887 (Britain, Italy, Austria-Hungary) Reassurance Treaty in 1887 (Germany and Russia)

48 William II German emperor

49 Dropping the pilot 1890

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