Use of Oregon Statewide Electronic Records Management Systems (ERMS) Price & Services Agreements (PSA) DAS SPO Representative Lena Ferris DAS EISPD Representatives.

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Presentation on theme: "Use of Oregon Statewide Electronic Records Management Systems (ERMS) Price & Services Agreements (PSA) DAS SPO Representative Lena Ferris DAS EISPD Representatives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use of Oregon Statewide Electronic Records Management Systems (ERMS) Price & Services Agreements (PSA) DAS SPO Representative Lena Ferris DAS EISPD Representatives Nick Betsacon Paula Newsome

2 2 Agenda Overview Public Records ERMS is… ERMS Standard Community of Practice (CoP) ERMS RFP Workgroup ERMS Website ERMS Ecosystem ERMS Software Modules ERMS Professional Services Contact Information

3 3 Overview: Public Records “Means a document, book, paper, file, sound recording, machine readable electronic record, or other material… regardless of physical form or characteristics, made, received, filed, or recorded in pursuance of law or in connection with the transaction of public business, whether or not confidential or restricted in use…” ORS 192.005 (5) “Includes any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business, including but not limited to court records, mortgages, and deed records, prepared, owned, used or retained by a public body regardless of physical form or characteristics.” ORS 192.410 (4)

4 4 Overview: ERMS is... Electronic Records Management System (ERMS) is a system used by an organization to manage its records from creation to final disposition. The system’s primary management functions are categorizing and locating records and identifying records that are due for disposition. The system also stores, retrieves, and disposes of the electronic records that are stored in its repository.

5 5 Overview: ERMS Standard In the United States, the de facto ERMS standard is Department of Defense (DoD) 5015.02-STD, Design Criteria Standard for Electronic Records Management Applications. DoD operates a testing and certification program for 5015.02 so that COTS vendors of ERMS software can receive a multi-year certification attesting that their product meets the requirements of 5015.02.

6 6 Overview: ERMS Standard All federal agencies require 5015.02 in ERMS, as do many state agencies across the country. Commercial enterprises have also widely adopted 5015.02. In most contexts, 5015.02 ensures that purchasers acquire a product that contains certain basic records management functionality. Use as a foundation for interoperability and provides the potential for future federated data integration, statewide.

7 7 Overview: ERMS Community of Practice (CoP) Met from June through December - 2007 Creation of ERMS Glossary of Terms and ERMS CoP – website; Review and endorsement of DoD 5015 standard by CIOC; Creation of ERMS CoP Manual: Guidelines for Managing Electronic Records

8 8 ERMS RFP Workgroup Formation of ERMS RFP workgroup – February 2008 RFQ, RFP, Special Procurement, Statewide PSA

9 9 Electronic Records Management Systems (ERMS) Website ERMS Website link This website contains information on the following. 1. ERMS Price and Services Agreements Copy of the ERMS PSA Vendor Resources and Contact Information 2. ERMS Community of Practice Resources Glossary of ERMS Terms DoD 5015 standard and information The ERMS Community of Practice (CoP) Manual: Guidelines for Managing Electronic Records

10 10 ERMS Procurement Ecosystem Purchasing Agencies Oversight Agencies Software Manufacturers Price and Services Agreements Trusted Local Consultants

11 11 ERMS Procurement Lifecycle Select Solution Install / Configure Solution Migrate Data to Solution Train Staff and Deploy / Operate / Optimize Solution Gather Requirements

12 12 ERMS Software Modules Document and Records Management is used for managing documents that allows users to store, retrieve, and share them with security and version control. Content Management is a set of processes and technologies that support the evolutionary life cycle of digital information. (Version control) E-mail Management provides the ability to improve the manageability of messages (and enhanced fax integration); archiving individual user’s e-mail messages as official records over the long term, and to retrieve, retain and dispose of them based on business rules and corporate policy.

13 13 ERMS Software Modules Collaboration Technology Management promotes and enhances "collaboration", i.e., the creation, sharing, and dissemination of information. Collaboration Technology has several sub-types, including document collaboration, workspace collaboration, and presentation collaboration. Web Content Management: Web Content Management refers to the application of content management processes and technologies to web content, and simplifying the publication of Web content to Web sites.

14 14 General Consultation/Needs Assessment Pre-software implementation services (such as software solutions consulting and design) Project management Requirements gathering Installation Professional Services

15 15 Configuration Customization Data migration Training Integration to infrastructure Maintenance and support Updates Professional Services

16 16 Contact Information State Procurement Office (SPO) Representative Lena Ferris (503) 378-3001 Enterprise Information Strategy and Policy Division (EISPD) Representatives Nick Betsacon (503) 378-3052 Paula Newsome (503) 378-4138

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