June 9, 2010 Martha N. Murdock Director, Latin America and the Caribbean Program Family Care International.

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Presentation on theme: "June 9, 2010 Martha N. Murdock Director, Latin America and the Caribbean Program Family Care International."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 9, 2010 Martha N. Murdock Director, Latin America and the Caribbean Program Family Care International

2 LAC Context Average maternal health indicators hide broad disparities between and within countries Region with the highest proportion of maternal deaths due to abortion Adolescent pregnancy rates higher than world averages

3 Challenges in LAC Region Dwindling international resources in LAC Reduction in national health budgets, defunding of maternal and SR health MM considered a health sector issue Emerging conservative trends and legislative restrictions to legislation in LAC region

4 LAC Regional Task Force on Maternal Mortality Reduction Promote regional inter-agency collaboration to implement MMR programs and policies Strengthen inter-agency collaboration Mobilize high-level commitments Build knowledge on effective strategies

5 Membership Founding members (1998) PAHO, UNFPA, UNICEF, IADB, World Bank, USAID, Population Council, Family Care International Expanded Membership (2009) Founding members + ECLAC, ICM, FLASOG, UNESCO, UNIFEM, UNOPS, FIGO + associated agencies

6 Enabling Factors for National and Regional Advocacy on MM (Shiffman): Cohesive networks Credible health indicators High-level events that highlight maternal mortality and promote commitment to addressing it

7 Regional Task Force Strategies Develop regional knowledge-sharing platform Focus on prioritized interventions (Regional Strategic Consensus Document) Strengthen information systems Build new strategic alliances High-level advocacy

8 Regional Conference of Women Leaders on MDG 5 Hosted by Regional Task Force on MMR May 27-28, Lima, Peru 70 high-level leaders from 13 countries Sectors: Media, Indigenous networks, Private, Justice, Parliament, Women’s movement, Youth, Technical, Academia Interactive and inter-sectoral exchanges

9 Regional Conference: Outcomes Declaration and Commitment: www.conferenciademujereslideres.com www.conferenciademujereslideres.com Follow up advocacy through: Country-level replication (ECU, PAR, BOL) Regional network of media professionals Parliamentary network on MMR Positioning of MMR and gender in political agenda of Continental Network of Indigenous Women

10 Next Steps Develop and share new messaging strategies Create new venues to position issue Build media network to share success stories and build commitment Develop tools and venues for young people to address pregnancy prevention Promote social monitoring of commitments

11 Criteria for Successful Partnership Concise mandate Members recognize value added of alliance Roles and responsibilities defined Realistic workplan and monitoring system Commitment by key partners to move work plan forward Resource mobilization capacity Country level linkages

12 www.conferenciademujereslideres.com іGracias!

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