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 Don’t Make Me Think Guiding Principles PowerPoint by Matt Murrell.

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Presentation on theme: " Don’t Make Me Think Guiding Principles PowerPoint by Matt Murrell."— Presentation transcript:

1  Don’t Make Me Think Guiding Principles PowerPoint by Matt Murrell

2 Law of Usability  The easier/simpler it is to navigate the web page, the better it is.  Avoid complicated wording/phrases.  Make it clear that the links are clickable.  User should navigate the web page without thinking!

3 Visitor Scans The Web Page  Users scan the web page until they find what they’re looking for.  Small amount of writing  Links are clearly clickable

4 Billboard Design  Page should be visually appealing  Conventions ARE USEFUL!  Use large headlines that pop out at visitor.

5 Billboard Design (continued)  Distinguish link color from other text.  Website shouldn’t be too busy with information.  Background should be simple and not a distraction Simple background

6 Get Rid of “Happy Talk”  Needless words take up space.  Abolish instructions from your web page.  No “Happy Talk”  Krugg refers to positive, introductory statements as “Happy Talk”

7 Contact 

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