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Background Significant and sustained reduction in young people not in education, employment and training Our response – Youth Engagement and Progression.

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2 Background Significant and sustained reduction in young people not in education, employment and training Our response – Youth Engagement and Progression Framework Local Authority primary audience Approach not set in stone – partners and stakeholders critical for implementation

3 Young people not in education, employment or training in Wales: comparison of estimates in the Statistical First Release and using the Annual Population Survey 1 (calendar year) (p) SFR: Year end 2012 is provisional 1 For years 2001-2003 the source is the annual Local Labour Force Survey for Wales

4 Young people not in education, employment or training in Wales, age 16-18, Wales and England

5 Targets To reduce the number of young people who are not in employment, education or training aged 16-18 to 9 per cent by 2017. At the end of 2012, the figure was 10.2 per cent To reduce the proportion of young people who are not in employment, education or training aged 19-24 in Wales relative to the UK as a whole by 2017

6 Development of the Framework Trialling of the 6 parts of the framework ran from January to July 2013 with eight Local Authorities In February 2013 Cabinet agreed the new approach and planned implementation of the framework Implementation Plan signed off by the Minister in July 2013 Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology launched the plan on 1 October 2013

7 The Framework

8 Early identification Setting core standards for early identification in Wales Developing effective early identification systems pre and post-16 Using early identification to start identifying support needs

9 Brokerage Setting out a clear specification for the lead worker role Targeting lead workers to support those at most risk of disengagement Supporting effective practice in the delivery of lead worker roles

10 Tracking Strengthening school and local authority tracking pre-16 Strengthening tracking during the transition from pre to post-16 through the Area Prospectus and Common Application Process Strengthening tracking 16-18 Strengthening tracking at all ages by more effective sharing and use of data Strengthening tracking at 18 and beyond

11 Provision Stronger mapping of existing provision Implementing the new Youth Guarantee Working with providers to improve the existing offer Targeting new provision at unmet needs

12 Employability and progression Strengthen employer engagement in schools Develop qualifications which promote employability skills Develop an offer for young people in Jobs Without Training (JWT) Continue to build on the success of our existing programmes post-16

13 Accountability Holding local authorities and partners to account regularly for implementation of the framework Publishing comparable performance data by local authority for 16, 17 and 18 year old destinations Developing provider level destination measures

14 Next steps Two year programme – implementation about refining and changing WG lead contacts identified to support the 22 LAs in Wales WG to meet all LAs to discuss their approach to implementation by end January 2014 LAs to submit their overall plan for youth engagement and progression by end March 2014


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