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Hunger and Malnutrition George Norton Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Tech Copyright 2009 International Agricultural Development and Trade.

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Presentation on theme: "Hunger and Malnutrition George Norton Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Tech Copyright 2009 International Agricultural Development and Trade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hunger and Malnutrition George Norton Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Tech Copyright 2009 International Agricultural Development and Trade AAEC 3204

2 Objectives Discuss world food situation and nutrition issues –Types of hunger and their effects –Consider how hunger is measured –Identify causes of hunger –Indicate potential solutions to hunger problems

3 Major types of hunger? Famine (short term) Chronic (800 million people)

4 Chronic undernourishment (1999-2001) Percent Number (millions) Asia and Pacific 16505 Sub-Saharan Africa 33198 Latin America & Caribbean 1053 Near East and N. Africa 1041 Countries in transition (E. Europe and Central Asia) 834 All regions 17805 Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) in 2004

5 IFPRI 2020

6 Effects of Hunger Child in Niger Child in India

7 the shortage of food? or the imbalance of calories and protein in the diet? Which is more severe in most developing countries:

8 Daily calorie availability per capita Source: World Bank

9 People affected by Preventable Malnutrition Worldwide Deficiency Morbidity due to Malnutrition Estimated Prevalence of Morbidity Group most affected Protein and energy Underweight150,000,000Children Protein and energy Stunted growth182,000,000Children Iron Anemia2,000,000,000 Every age and sex Vitamin A Blindness 250,000 - 500,000 Every age and sex Iodine Brain damage50,000,000 Every age and sex

10 How is nutritional adequacy measured? Anthropometric measurements Food balance sheets Dietary surveys Aggregate statistics

11 Food Balance Sheet (Production & Stocks & Imports – Exports – Animal feed – Waste) = Food available for people

12 What are some principal causes of hunger and malnutrition? Child in Ethiopia

13 What are some principal causes of hunger and malnutrition? Low income Diseases and parasites Poor nutritional practices Seasonal nature of production Political problems Natural disasters Low agricultural productivity Transportation problems

14 Ownership of productive assets Incomes Agricultural prices Primary health care; sanitary conditions Cooking technology and education Household food availability Individual nutrient intake Intra-household food distribution Infections and diseases Nutritional status Determinants of individual nutritional status.

15 How does environmental degradation contribute to hunger and malnutrition? How does hunger and malnutrition contribute to environmental degradation?

16 Solutions to hunger and malnutrition problems Income increases Agricultural productivity increases Population growth rate decline Health improvements Food intervention –Subsidies –Fortification –Targeted feeding programs International solutions –Debt relief –Price stabilization –Foreign aid

17 If we ate less meat would that help the nutritional situation in developing countries? Very little if any. The principal problem is lack of income to buy food

18 Summary Chronic hunger is the most pervasive problem -- 900 million Effects are particularly hard on children Causes are many and solutions are the subject of this course

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