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Marcy Open Middle School

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Presentation on theme: "Marcy Open Middle School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Marcy Open Middle School 2010-2011
Student Success Marcy Open Middle School

2 Your Planner Inside Your Planner there is: Monthly Calendar
Weekly Calendar ELA, Math and Science Resources World Map Personal Pages HALLWAY PASSport Your Schedule (tape it in)

3 Use Your Planner Write in your planner EVERY DAY in EVERY CLASS
Write down the assignment/homework as soon as your teacher tells you about it Ask questions if you do not understand the assignment or what to write down

4 What to Write Be SPECIFIC in what you write
(IDK is not a good thing to write in a planner) Use DETAILS Pages #’s to read Name of the worksheet Which questions to answer Write down what MATERIALS you need Include the DUE DATE Write down TEST DATES

5 Long Term Assignments Plan Ahead: Write down reminders and due dates right away in your planner so you can go back and check Be Prepared: Using the monthly calendar can also help you plan and prepare for the final due date Example: If you know the Physics Project is due in March, write out all the deadlines, dates to meet with your partner and activities to attend at the library in the MONTHLY calendar too, so you can see it all on one page

6 After School Activities
Write down After School activities in your planner so that you can plan homework time around them Using the monthly calendar to write out practices, games, meets and other meetings will help you to see the whole month and what time you have free

7 Look at Your Planner Writing in your planner isn’t enough, Look at your planner AT THE END OF EVERY DAY to see what you need to bring home and do for homework At home, look over your weekly calendar and also your monthly calendar What tests do you have coming up? Are there any big assignments or projects due soon? How soon before you have to have your Grading Log or Reading Log turned in?

8 What if I am absent? If you miss a class don’t just leave that day blank in your planner. Make a note in your planner that you were absent. (This will help you to remember when you were gone.) Check in with the teacher from the classes you miss and then copy the CLASSROOM PLANNER for the day you missed.. You could also check the MS Calendar online while you are absent.

9 Planner Checks Planners will be checked this year!
They will be checked once a week during Advisory time by Hannah & Eve. We will be looking to see that planners are filled out in each class period each day. Official planner checks will begin October 4th.

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