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 Create, set something up to use  Establishes/ established/ establishing, establishment(n)  Hamilton High School was established in 1999.

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2  Create, set something up to use  Establishes/ established/ establishing, establishment(n)  Hamilton High School was established in 1999.

3  A group of people who are born and live around the same time  Generations  My generation grew up during the 80’s.

4  Ability to use what you know to make a decision, evaluation  To judge/judges/judged /judging, judge(n)  My mom’s final judgment was that I couldn’t go out with my friends.

5  Someone who acts grown up  Maturely (adv), to mature/matures/mat ured/maturing, immature  The mature teenager chose not to stay out past curfew.

6  To take part, share, to do  Participates/ participated/ participating, participant (n), participation  It is important for students to participate in class.

7  The government and what people think about it  Political  It is not good to talk about politics on a first date.

8  Well trained or prepared for a job, skilled, or experienced  To qualify/qualifies/ qualified/qualifying, unqualified  I want a qualified dentist to fix my teeth.

9  To make a choice in an election  Votes/voted/voting, vote (n)  I voted for Obama for President last November.

10  Responsible for something  Accountably, to account/ accounts/accounted/ accounting  I am accountable for helping my students learn English.

11  Power over others, control  Authorities, authorize, authoritarian  The principal has the authority to expel students from the school.

12  Treating people unfairly because of how they look or believe in  To discriminate/ discriminates/ discriminated/ discriminating, discriminately  Discrimination should never be acceptable in the classroom.

13  Setting rules, establishing rules and regulations  To impose/imposes/ imposed/ imposing, imposer  Teachers need to impose rules in their classroom to help with teaching.

14  To ignore, lack of care and attention  To neglect/neglects/ neglected/ neglecting  Brain cells will die from neglect if you never use them!

15  To keep people from doing something, prevent, not allow  Prohibits/ prohibited/ prohibiting, prohibitory, prohibition  A dress code prohibits students from wearing inappropriate clothing to school.

16  Something that limits activity  Restrictions, to restrict/ restricts/ restricted/ restricting  Teenagers should have restrictions on how late they can stay out at night.

17  To break, go against or ruin  Violates/ violated/ violating, violation  If you violate the school rules you will be expelled.

18  To have enough money  Affords/afforded, affording, affordable, affordably  In order to afford a new phone, I saved for 2 months.

19  Someone who leaves/ quits school before graduating  Drop out (v)  If you are a dropout, it will be very difficult to find a good paying job.

20  Something you have done or skills you have practiced  Experiences, Experience (verb), experienced (adj.)  Experience is important if you want to make more money in a career.

21  The money you earn, salary  If you don’t have a job or work, you don’t have an income.  An income is important if you want to be independent!

22  To be on your own, not dependent  Independently(adv), dependent, independence (n)  When I got my first teaching job I was independent from my parents completely.

23  A specific job, role  Positions  What position do you want for your future career?

24  Everything that is real or factual, opposite of fantasy  Realities, to realize (v)  It is important for high school seniors to face reality after graduation.

25  To take foolish risks, careless  Recklessly (adv.)  Dropping out of school is reckless, because your future will now become more difficult.

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