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Imperialism Mr. Williamson Somerville High School.

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1 Imperialism Mr. Williamson Somerville High School

2 Why did they decide to Explore?  Arrival of British in India an example of IMPERIALISM  Process of one people ruling/controlling another  Late 1700s – European powers expand in Asia/Africa  Advances in weapon technology, HUGE military advantage  Steam-powered gunboats, repeating rifles, machine guns, exploding shells  Lastly, Europeans took advantage of weakening empires  Mughal Empire entered a deep decline after 1707

3 Rise of Indian Nationalism  British changes in Indian society greatly disturbed Indian elites/middle classes  Had little power of influence in government  Leads to a Indian nationalist movement, saw themselves as having the same rights as Europeans  First supported by Ram Mohun Roy in the 1820s  Felt that British were violating Indian people’s rights, free speech/religion  Roy wrote texts/opened schools to spread nationalist ideas  Eventually leads to first Indian Nationalist Organization, the Indian National Congress – sought additional representation in the Indian Civil Service (ICS)

4 Rise of Indian Nationalism  British officials announce plans to divide the province (state) of Bengal  Claim it would be easier to govern but nationalists thought it was to break up the Hindu population of the region  In response, radicals call for a boycott of British goods or swadeshi  Vowed to wear only Indian made garments, burned British cloth  Forces British to make concessions to the Indian people  Also results in the Muslim League, created to protect the interests of Indian Muslims/worked with the Indian National Congress for complete Indian independence

5 Hinduism – Exit Ticket  Based on the text and graphic organizer challenge completed in class, answer the following question on the index card provided:  What teachings of Hinduism have a common place in our society today? In other words, what concepts or practices are recognizable to you and summarize their meaning/purpose.  Review your organizer to assist in your response.

6 Indian Culture & Customs  The Caste System – complex system based on social-economic class  Based on the idea that there are separate types of humans, primarily based on one’s occupation/family  Rules created to keep people spiritually “PURE”  For example, cannot have contact with lower castes  Cooking, marriage, employment, etc.  Individuals’ job determined at birth  Rules imbedded into law, custom and religious tradition; therefore, wide acceptance of rules


8 Indian Culture & Customs  Village seen as the basic unit of society  Headman governed the village, usually a respected landlord with decisions advised by a council of elders  Each village had a caste that did the jobs needed for daily life  Village was SELF-SUFFICIENT, produced all it needed  Family Life – individual identify by family then village  A patriarchal structure, “father” typically dominates with assistance from wife/brothers on major decisions (for example, marriages)  Practiced arranged marriage to protect/benefit the family  Before marriage, the wife’s family would provided DOWRY (financial gift) paid to the groom. Wife would become part of husband’s family.

9 Indian Culture & Customs  Islam vs. Hinduism Comparison Activity  Exit Ticket:  In what ways is Islam/Hinduism similar? Name 3.  In what ways are they different? Name 3.

10 Rise of Indian Nationalism  Islam – Important Elements of Worship  1. Muslim Code of Behavior  2. Muslim Dress  Modest, women should cover heads, arms, legs (veils in some countries/practices)  3. Muslim Diet – no pork/alcohol  4. No gambling  5. Minaret – call to prayer 5X a day  6. Face Mecca while praying/use of a mat-rug  7. Men/Women separate in the mosque  8. No Clergy – Inman, the prayer leader  Reasons to Spread  Wars/Missionary work

11 Rise of Indian Nationalism  1914 – Gandhi emerges as a key leader for Indian Independence from Great Britain  Background  Middle-class, Hindu family, went to England to study law  Became a lawyer/moved to S. Africa  There, developed ideas about use of non-violence  Satyagraha – “Truth Force”  Civil Disobedience – Refusal to obey unjust laws

12 Rise of Indian Nationalism  Early 1900s – Increasing tensions b/t Indians/British  In WWI, 800k Indians fought on behalf of the British  Indians felt their sacrifices would lead to new freedoms  Anger/unrest within Indian population grows  Amritsar Massacre – British soldiers open fire on Indian, non- violent protesters  Gandhi organizes ahisma or nonviolence  Boycott of all British products  Protest of British monopoly of salt

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