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The Shah of Iran= Muhammad Reza Shah  After WWII, U.S. took over as the leader in Iranian politics why???  U.S. supported The Shah of Iran or The Shah.

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Presentation on theme: "The Shah of Iran= Muhammad Reza Shah  After WWII, U.S. took over as the leader in Iranian politics why???  U.S. supported The Shah of Iran or The Shah."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Shah of Iran= Muhammad Reza Shah  After WWII, U.S. took over as the leader in Iranian politics why???  U.S. supported The Shah of Iran or The Shah  1952=Prime Minister Muhammad Mossadeq tried to nationalize the oil industry and dethrone The Shah

2 Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi 26 September 1941 – 11 February 1979

3 Mohammad Mosaddeq 28 April 1951 – 19 August 1953

4 U.S. reaction  CIA mobilized the best street thugs, booted Mossadeq, and restored the throne to The Shah (6 days later)  Grateful Shah opened up the oil valves to the West

5 The White Revolution  1963= The Shah attempted Demo./social reforms— meant to modernize the country (promotion of literacy)  Many of the reforms undermined the power of the mullahs (religious leaders)  The Shahs wanted to weaken the mullah—the clerics had contempt for him

6 Reforms  Women’s rights – liberation/vote/divorce/attire (Western/veil)  Education- Secular/modern—lessened clergy’s influence  Food- beef kabob (official national food)- McMama  Land Reform- Snatched some of clergy’s land holdings

7 Mullahs criticized The Shah’s relationship with the U.S.  U.S./Israel helped The Shah est. the feared SAVAK 1. most brutual secret security force 2. employed torture and murder as deterrents against the opposition  Wave of Anti-Americans swept over Iran  Clerics exploited the situation 1. poor on religious grounds 2. wealthy landowners/merchants on finiancial grounds

8 The Shah’s Reaction  The Shah had many clerics arrested in Qom (spiritual center)  Riots erupted / mullahs fled the country- including Ayatollah Khomeini- went into exile in neighboring Iraq 1964


10 Ayatollah Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini 3 December, 1979 – 3 June, 1989

11 The Shah’s days are numbered  Reform helped middle class but not the poor  Late 1970s the King became extremely unpopular  Sept. 1978 The Shah instituted martial law

12 Factors of unrest in Iran  recession/inflation plagued the country  SAVAK cont. to repress dissidents  The Shah had lymphatic cancer (weak)  a wave of anti-American sentiment  Shiite exile Ayatollah Khomeini seized the opportunity to convince the Iranian dissidents that all of the nation’s ills Two sources of anti-Islamic contention: 1. The Shah’s secular policies 2. Influence of the “Great Satan” (U.S.)

13 Transfer of Power  Khomeini solution: Get rid of The Shah and give me the power!  Jan 1979-The Shah & Queen boarded a Boeing 707 “for vacation” and never returned  Khomeini flew from Paris into Tehran— welcomed by adoring fans

14 Khomeini est. the first modern Islamic State  He set up a theocracy  Purification of Iran came through the rigid enforcement of Iran’s Shiite version of Sharia (Islamic Law)  The Shah’s SAVAK was now at the Khomeini’s disposal



17 Implementing the following measures  Purging Iran of all un-Islamic & Western influences  Enforcing the revolution’s new Islamic regulations  Persecuting all non-Muslims, secular nationalists, and leftists  Imposing strict regulations on women  Taking adv. of the ensuing chaos to settle old scores in the name of the revolution

18 Iran- American Hostage Situation  1979 Nov.-U.S. Pres. Carter invited The Shah to N.Y. for medical attention  Retaliation= approx. 500 students demonstrating outside of U.S. Embassy in Tehran demanded The Shah be extradited  Carter refused=students stormed the compound & seized 67 Am. Hostages (15 were released/52 hostages in captivity 444 days)

19 President Jimmy Carter (39th President) January 20, 1977 – January 20, 1981

20 Iranian militants escort a blindfolded U.S. hostage to the media

21 Carter’s response/rescue  Didn’t work=breaking diplomatic ties & economic boycott  Resort to military force= 1. 8 helicopters off the Iranian coast in the Persian Gulf 2. Rendezvous spot called Desert One 3. Collision 4. Killed 8 Americans/ mission aborted  In defiance—Khomeini released 52 hostages to Ronald Reagan


23 Ronald Reagan 40th President January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989

24 Iran-Iraq War  Saddam Hussein launched an air assault with on Sept 22 nd 1980  Hussein hoped to regain the territory of the Shatt-al-Arab waterway that Hussein had conceded to Iran 5 years earlier in the Algiers Accord 1. capture the oil fields of Khuzestan 2. stem the growing Shiite extremist 3. incite a revolt against Khomeini

25 Saddam Hussein 5th President of Iraq 16 July 1979 – 9 April 2003

26 Shatt-al-Arab


28 Iran-Iraq War  First 2 years-Hussein did well  Iranian military rebounded & retook  US support toward Hussein  July 1987 Kuwaiti (US GB Fr)  US Americans attacked  US shot down Iran Air passenger  Hussein thought war a few days lasted  8 years= $100 b Lives lost=500,000

29 Iran-Contra Affair  1,000 Pasadaran- SE Lebanon’s Beqaa Valley  Pasadaran-military training/religious instruct.  Hezbollah vowed to est. an Islamic state  Hezbollah turned to suicide bombing  most effective weapon was kidnapping EX-US Embassy in Beirut

30 Pasadaran (Iranian Revolutionary Guards)

31 Beirut, Lebanon

32 Reign of Power  Khomeini died in 1989  Ali Akbar Rafsanjani President in 1989  1997 Muhammad Khatami ***Couldn’t carry out reform***

33 Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani President of Iran 1989 to 1997

34 Mohammad Khatami 2 August 1997 – 3 August 2005

35 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad President of Iran August 2005

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