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Zionism – Part I The Creation of the State of Israel.

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1 Zionism – Part I The Creation of the State of Israel

2 Return to Zion is Age Old Dream  Weekday Morning Service – Prayers Sound the great shofar for our freedom, raise the banner to gather our exiles and gather us together from the four corners of the earth… May you rebuild it [Jerusalem] soon in our days as an eternal structure, and may you speedily establish the throne of David within it…  Grace After Meals Rebuild Jerusalem, the Holy City, soon in our days. Blessed are you, God, who rebuilds Jerusalem.  Passover Seder Next Year in Jerusalem!

3 Nationalism: What is it?  Definition: A sense of a common history, language, and culture amongst a group of people sometimes living in the same region, but often scattered. The feelings associated with nationalism lead to a desire for a national home land.

4 European Nationalism  Mid – 19 th Century Germany and Italy estb. Independent nations Require unified and homogenous society Leads to Anti-Semitism  Jews Influenced by these trends Envision a Jewish homeland in Palestine Hebrew as national language

5 Zionism  Definition: Zionism is a political movement that supports a homeland for the Jewish people in the Land of Israel.  Negative reaction to anti-Semitism  Positive belief in the Jewish People

6 A Dream is Born: Dr. Leon Pinsker (1821-1891)  Born Yehuda Leib Pinsker in Russia  Educated Jewishly in father’s school & at home.  Initially believed in equal rights and assimilation  Pogroms made him rethink views  Auto Emanzipation (1882)

7 A Dream is Born: Hovevei Zion  Lovers of Zion  Built cultural awareness and Pride  Goal: send Russian Jews to Palestine  14000 members by 1892

8 Political Zionism: Theodor Herzl (1860-1904) I  Born in Budapest to an assimilated family  Moved to Vienna where he studied law  Became a journalist  Encountered anti-Semitism at school & work  The Ghetto (1894)  Father off Zionism  Dies suddenly in 1904

9 Political Zionism: Theodor Herzl II  Der Judenstaat (1896) Jews require country of their own Practical outline to building a viable state Palestine not mentioned  Political Zionism Home land through political assistance and consent of the community of nations. Would require a charter giving the land to the Jews

10 Political Zionism: World Zionist Congress (1897)  Builds a support base of Eastern European Jews  1 st Meeting - Basel, Switzerland Estb. World Zionist Organization Adopt Jewish flag Adopt national anthem (hatikva) “In Basel, I created the Jewish State.”

11 Opposition to Zionism  Protest Against Zionism (1897) Protest Rabbis Jews are not a nation Assimilation and rights are the answer  The Zionists Are Not Our Saviours (1900) Rabbi Zadok HaCohen Rabinowitz Evil of Secularism God will gather in the exiles

12 Other Types of Zionism: Spiritual Zionism  Ahad Ha’am (One of the People)  “Lo Zeh Hah-Derech” (This is Not the Way) Political Zionism is not practical Palestine as cultural center Influences new generation  Chaim Weizmann

13 Other Types of Zionism: Socialist Zionism – Poalei Zion  Program for Proletarian Zionism (1906) Ber Borochov Combines socialism and Zionism Diaspora  Democratize society by means of class struggle  National political autonomy Zionism  Immigration to Palestine  Development of country by labor not capital

14 A Homeland, but where? Palestine Vs. Uganda  6 th Zionist Congress (1903) Uganda proposed  7 th Zionist Congress (1905) Uganda is rejected  Jewish Territorial Organization Settlement some place, not necessarily Palestine

15 Next Class  Continue reading pages 529-633  Preview: Putting ideas into action The politics of Statehood Tensions between Jews and Arabs

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