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PRESENTATION HEADLINE Presentation Subhead Hook, Line, and Sinker Meet, Inspire, Recruit.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATION HEADLINE Presentation Subhead Hook, Line, and Sinker Meet, Inspire, Recruit."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENTATION HEADLINE Presentation Subhead Hook, Line, and Sinker Meet, Inspire, Recruit

2 The Fisher-Women Membership Committee Recruitment Subgroup Members: Krys Wulff, Membership Committee Chair Penney Hoodenpyle Jennifer Ingram Claudia Richards, Senior Branch Relations Manager, Workshop Facilitator

3 Hooks You Need

4 Best Practices

5 Where Do You Find Them?

6 Membership Campaigns

7 CAMPAIGNOVERVIEW Shape the FutureBranches can offer 50% off the national membership rates to NEW members who join on the spot at events open to the public. For every 2 new members who join, the branch earns 1 free national membership, up to a maximum of 5 free memberships per year. Give-a-Grad-a-GiftThe Give a Grad a Gift program allows current AAUW members the opportunity to give unlimited free national memberships to college graduates who have earned their degrees within the last 24 months. Give a Grad a Gift Graduate Student $18.81 CampaignAAUW has continued to pilot the introductory rate of $18.81 for NEW graduate student members.

8 Conversations


10 Big FishAwards

11 Practice Makes Perfect

12 Wrap-Up and Q & A

13 Panel Krys Wulff – Penney Hoodenpyle – Jennifer Ingram – Claudia Richards –

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