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C ARBON D IOXIDE - O XYGEN C YCLE. ∞  Plants and animals are linked for survival through the carbon dioxide- oxygen cycle.

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2 ∞  Plants and animals are linked for survival through the carbon dioxide- oxygen cycle.

3 P HOTOSYNTHESIS  To undergo photosynthesis, plants need:  sunlight  water  carbon dioxide

4 P HOTOSYNTHESIS  Plants make food and oxygen in the process of photosynthesis.  Plants release the oxygen into the air.

5 C ARBON DIOXIDE  Carbon dioxide is found in the air.  It gets there from:  volcanoes erupting  burning fossil fuels  animals

6 A NIMALS  Plants make food through a process called photosynthesis  When animals consume the plants, they are consuming energy from the plants.  Animals convert the plant’s energy into the energy they need to grow and thrive.

7 C ARBON DIOXIDE - OXYGEN CYCLE Oxygen released during photosynthesis Carbon dioxide released during respiration

8 D IAGRAM THE C ARBON D IOXIDE C YCLE PhotosynthesisRespiration Add the materials that cycle: food, water, oxygen, and carbon dioxide.

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