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HAIKU HUMP DAY! Create a haiku about migrations. 5 Syllables 7 Syllables 5 Syllables.

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Presentation on theme: "HAIKU HUMP DAY! Create a haiku about migrations. 5 Syllables 7 Syllables 5 Syllables."— Presentation transcript:

1 HAIKU HUMP DAY! Create a haiku about migrations. 5 Syllables 7 Syllables 5 Syllables

2  September 18, 1793 – Capitol cornerstone is laid

3  F3_qg F3_qg As you watch the video, answer the questions on page 3 of your handout

4  Turn to page 4 of your handout  Read about the Bantu Migration on pages 222 – 224  As you read, identify the CAUSES, EFFECTS of the Bantu migration and provide some EXAMPLES in the third column


6  Cultural Diffusion – the spreading of ideas or products from one culture to another

7  _zkY _zkY

8 THINK – PAIR – SHARE  What are some of your favorite foods? Where do they come from?  What examples of cultural diffusion do you see in the United States today?

9  Practiced in Africa since ancient times  North African Berbers raided sub-Saharan villages for slaves and sold throughout Mediterranean  Slaves included people captured in war, debtors and criminals

10  Pattern of trade connecting Africa, Europe and North America

11  Forced migration of Africans  275,000 enslaved Africans during the 1500s  Over 1 million by the 1600s  6 million enslaved Africans by the 1700s  Overall, about 10 million enslaved Africans were brought to the Americas from the 1500s to the 1800s

12  The middle part of the triangular trade from Africa to the Americas

13  Students will work on their review packets for class  Prepare for REVIEW GAME!!!

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