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Bellringer Download today’s notes: Columbian Exchange Answer the following question: – How do you think the world changed after the discovery of the Americas?

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer Download today’s notes: Columbian Exchange Answer the following question: – How do you think the world changed after the discovery of the Americas?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer Download today’s notes: Columbian Exchange Answer the following question: – How do you think the world changed after the discovery of the Americas? List as many changes as you can think of.

2 New Systems of Trade The Big Idea Exchanges between the Old World and the New World influenced the development of new economic systems: mercantilism and capitalism. Main Ideas Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas exchanged plants, animals, and ideas. In the 1600s and 1700s, new trade patterns developed, and power shifted in Europe. Market economies changed business in Europe.

3 Main Idea 1: Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas exchanged plants, animals, and ideas. Columbian Exchange The exchange of plants, animals, and ideas between the New World (the Americas) and the Old World (Europe) is known as the Columbian Exchange. Exchanges occurred when Europeans took seeds to plant crops in the New World. Europeans also took animals such as cows, goats, sheep, horses, and chickens to the New World. Accidental exchanges took place when Europeans brought over diseases or animals such as rats that hid in ships.

4 New World Plants and Animals While Europeans introduced plants and animals to the New World, they also found things they had not known about. They took samples back to their home countries as well as to Africa and Asia. Vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes, and squash as well as plants such as tobacco had never been seen before. These products went around the world. Many of them grew well in other countries, so they are now a part of those cultures. Changed people’s eating habits around the world.


6 Exchanges of Culture Europeans introduced their culture to the places they explored. Christians set out to convert people in the new lands to their religion. Missionaries also taught European languages to the native peoples. CULTURAL DIFFUSION!!

7 Exchanges of Technology Europeans took guns and steel to parts of Africa and to the Americas. The introduction of sheep and sugarcane created new industries. People began to grow sugarcane on plantations, or large farms.

8 Treatment of Native Americans Plantations and mines made money for Portugal, Spain, and some colonists in the Americas. However, the plantation life and mining made for bad treatment of Native Americans. The Spanish colonists forced Native Americans to work on the plantations. Hard work and disease killed many. Europeans then started using enslaved Africans as workers. –Soon, thousands of Africans were being shipped to the Americas as slave labor, and this continued until the late 1800s.

9 Connect! 1. What animals did Europeans introduce to the Americas? 2. How did European languages spread in the Americas? 3. What caused the Columbian Exchange? 4. How did the development of plantations lead to mistreatment of Native Americans?

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