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WELCOME to raffle ticket prizes Make sure you fill out your raffle ticket for a chance to win great prizes during the closing session!!

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME to raffle ticket prizes Make sure you fill out your raffle ticket for a chance to win great prizes during the closing session!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME to raffle ticket prizes Make sure you fill out your raffle ticket for a chance to win great prizes during the closing session!!

2 1:00 - 1:35Opening Session 1:35 - 1:45Break 1:45 - 2:40Breakout Session 1 2:40 - 3:00Snack Break 3:00 - 3:55Breakout Session 2 Special Session for Advisors 3:55 - 4:05 Break 4:05 - 5:00Breakout Session 3 5:00 - 5:30Closing Session & Prizes!

3 Find a different person in this room (that you DO NOT already know) to answer each question. Say hello and introduce yourselves. Write that person’s name under the question they answered and summarize their answer in the box. You can answer the questions in any order you choose. You can’t use the same person more than once and you can’t use someone you already know. Please say “thank you” or “nice to meet you” after you have spoken. The first person who gets their entire sheet filled out (and follows the rules) wins a prize. Good luck!

4 Participate! Share your knowledge, ideas, and experiences. Everyone’s input is equally valued. Be respectful of time – make sure you arrive to your sessions promptly. Respect each person speaking: listen, ask clarifying questions, and engage in discussions. Refrain from side conversations; note any points you would like to address later. Be as fully present as possible in each session. Have fun and meet new people!


6 I know people who are worried about how to pay for college. Luck, as opposed to hard work, is the key to individual success. The government needs to create more jobs, even if that means we pay higher taxes. If I REALLY want something but don’t have the cash, it’s OK to put it on a credit card, regardless of the card’s interest rate.

7 I have friends who have at least one parent who is unemployed. I sometimes worry about whether or not I’ll be able to get a good job after I graduate (high school or college.) Life is easier for me than it was for my parents when they were growing up.

8 1:00 - 1:35Opening Session 1:35 - 1:45Break 1:45 - 2:40Breakout Session 1 2:40 - 3:00Snack Break 3:00 - 3:55Breakout Session 2 Special Session for Advisors 3:55 - 4:05 Break 4:05 - 5:00Breakout Session 3 5:00 - 5:30Closing Session & Prizes!

9 Thank you for your participation in Did you fill out and turn in your raffle ticket ? Prizes will be given out in just a few minutes so make sure you’ve entered! One entry per person, please.

10 1.Find the people who have the same color strip as you. 2.Take 5 minutes to discuss the two questions provided to you. 3.Choose a spokesperson who will summarize your thoughts for the rest of us.

11 Why should you care about the economy? Why should you care about the economic choices your local government officials are making?

12 What choices can you make now regarding your own personal financial literacy that can set you up for success in the future?

13 What is your “American Dream?” What will it take for you to fulfill that dream?

14 If your county commissioners or city council members were here today, what would you want them to know about what people your age need to be successful – in terms of the economy and in general?

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