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Taking Turns I can take turns By Solomon & Diego.

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Presentation on theme: "Taking Turns I can take turns By Solomon & Diego."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taking Turns I can take turns By Solomon & Diego

2 For our friend, Solomon.

3 Taking turns makes it fun for everyone.
It’s important for everybody to get a chance to play. We make sure that everyone has a turn to join in the fun!

4 Solomon says: I know how to take turns. My friends have much more fun
when we take turns.

5 Even when I really, really like a game, I can share with my friends.
It’s more fun to share the fun with friends. I have a plan to help me take turns.

6 Here’s our plan for taking turns…
Wait patiently. My turn. Give my friend a turn. Ask for a turn.

7 Ask for a turn. Can I have a turn, please? Sure. It’s fun to
take turns.

8 Wait Patiently. To Wait I can… Set a timer Watch the game or
Do something else Great Job Waiting! Now it’s your turn.

9 My turn It’s my turn now? Cool, Thanks. Your turn. Have Fun.

10 Now it’s your turn, Diego.
Give my friend a turn. Now it’s your turn, Diego. Awesome. You’re a great friend.

11 Now it’s your turn again.
Wait Patiently. To Wait I can… Set a timer Watch the game or Do something else Great Job Waiting! Now it’s your turn again.

12 Here’s our plan for taking turns…
Wait patiently. My turn. Give my friend a turn. Ask for a turn.

13 Solomon, you’re a great friend.
You take turns. That helps everyone have more fun!

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