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Beyond the Basics Search a free QR Code Reader App for your smartphones and scan the code OR & For ppt.

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Presentation on theme: "Beyond the Basics Search a free QR Code Reader App for your smartphones and scan the code OR & For ppt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beyond the Basics Search a free QR Code Reader App for your smartphones and scan the code OR & For ppt slides…

2 COMMON CORE: Beyond the Basics Dr. Barbara Adamos, Dr. Rowena Vega-Castro, Patty Kier, Melissa Limo, Carla Masnayon, Michael Meno


4 Norms- “Ground Rules” 1.One-clap -One focus -Unified Task 2.Smile - Think Positive to make things Positive 3.Talk -Dialogue and share Class Dojo

5 “Rock-Star” Graphic Organizer Rock-Star Notes State the positive Give the note What is new for me… What I want more of … What are my next steps... Rock-Star

6 What we will accomplish: Teachers will be able to unwrap CCSS and determine the Declarative and Procedural knowledge of the standards Teachers will be able to create a 4-point scale/rubrics to guide feedback of student learning Teachers will create a CCSS Unit Plan/Quarter Teachers will be confident and in control of CCSS

7 “Shared Drawing” You and a partner No talking /communicating You will draw a face Take turns Draw a line and then pass the pen 2 minutes Write a caption Remember no talking One letter (caps) and take turns

8 SMART Teams S = Start the conversation Specific to the Task M = Motivate the team to Measurable outcomes A = Agree or Disagree to something Achievable R = Record all Results T = Time keeper—keep them Time-Bound

9 10 Effective Research-based Instructional Strategies 1.Vocabulary 2.Comparing, Contrasting, Classifying, Analogies, Metaphors 3.Summarizing and Note-Taking 4.Reinforcing effort and Giving Praise 5.Homework and Practice 6.Nonlinguistic Representation 7.Cooperative Learning 8.Setting Objectives/Targets and Providing Feedback/Scales/Rubrics 9.Generating and Testing Hypothesis 10.Cues, Questions, Advanced Organizers

10 Identify the 11 elements essential to CCSS DQ1#1 Communicating Clear Learning Goals and Scales DQ2#6 Identifying Critical Information DQ2#7 Organizing Students to Interact with New Knowledge DQ2#11 Elaborating on New Knowledge DQ2#12 Recording and representing New Knowledge DQ3#15 Organizing Students to Practice and Deepen Knowledge DQ3#17 Identifying Similarities and Differences DQ3#18 Examining Errors in Reasoning DQ3#20 Revising Knowledge DQ4#21 Organizing Students for Cognitively Complex Tasks/ DQ4#22 Engaging Students in Cognitively Complex Tasks

11 Depth of Knowledge From Blooms to DOK Determining Rigor Critical Thinking Continuum

12 Understand Dr. Marzano’s New Taxonomy and use it as a basis for planning, teaching, and assessing CCSS Knowledge Utilization Analysis Comprehension Retrieval Design Question 2 Design Question 3 Design Question 4

13 “Bird Course”

14 Unwrap essential and supplemental CSS Declarative (Nouns/noun phrases) Procedural (Verbs/verb phrases) List the Declarative and Procedural Knowledge Rigor and Relevance Framework

15 Design a Common Core Unit using References/Resources Learning Map Consensus Map ? Instructional Calendar ? Lesson Plan (School-adopted) ?

16 Design a Common Core Unit using the Unit Planning Template Learning Map Learning Goals and Rubrics Learning Targets and Rubrics List of Targets 9 Clusters

17 Choose 3 standards in your content areas (you can work in your content teams) Choose technology strategies for lunch-time sharing Bring blank lesson plan template

18 Develop a formative and summative assessment plan 4.0 Proficient with Advance Knowledge 3.0 Proficient with CCSS Standard 2.0 Foundational Knowledge 1.0 Below Basic

19 Explore engagement strategies to deepen lesson planning Big Ideas Technology Tools

20 Design a common Core Lesson using the Intentional Thinking Map for Daily Lessons Each member of our team has created a sample lesson Let’s do this together!

21 What we accomplished: I Can unwrap CCSS and determine the Declarative and Procedural knowledge of the standards I Can create a 4-point scale/rubrics to guide feedback of student learning I Can create a CCSS Unit Plan/Quarter I am confident and in control of CCSS

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