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Movie Speech: Dead Poets Society “Carpe Diem”

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1 Movie Speech: Dead Poets Society “Carpe Diem”

2 Warm-up Question Did you ever have a teacher who… a) …believed that you could do great things? b) …asked you deep and meaningful questions which made you think about your life? c) …encouraged you to do something that you had never done before? d) …spoke in a very animated way? What grade were you in? What did other kids in the class think of this teacher? Do you think this teacher has made a difference in helping you be who you are today?

3 Mr. Keating: We are food for _____, lads. Because, believe it or not, each and every one of us in this room is one day going to stop ______ing, turn cold and _____. Now I would like you to step forward over here and peruse some of the faces from the _____. You've walked past them many times. I don't think you've really _____ed at them. breath die look past worms

4 Mr. Keating: They're not that different from you, are they? Same hair_____. Full of ________, just like you. ________, just like you feel. The world is their ______. They believe they're destined for great things, just like many of you, their eyes are full of _____, just like you. cuts hope hormones invincible oyster

5 Mr. Keating: Did they wait until it was too late to make from their lives even one ____ of what they were capable? Because, you see gentlemen, these boys are now fertilizing daffodils. But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their ______ to you. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it? Carpe diem, seize the ____ boys, make your lives extra________. day iota legacy ordinary

6 Mr. Keating: We are food for _____, lads. Because, believe it or not, each and every one of us in this room is one day going to stop ______ing, turn cold and _____. Now I would like you to step forward over here and peruse some of the faces from the _____. You've walked past them many times. I don't think you've really _____ed at them. breath die look past worms breathdie past look

7 Mr. Keating: They're not that different from you, are they? Same hair_____. Full of ________, just like you. ________, just like you feel. The world is their ______. They believe they're destined for great things, just like many of you, their eyes are full of _____, just like you. cuts hope hormones invincible oyster cuts hormones Invincible oyster hope

8 Mr. Keating: Did they wait until it was too late to make from their lives even one ____ of what they were capable? Because, you see gentlemen, these boys are now fertilizing daffodils. But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their ______ to you. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it? Carpe diem, seize the ____ boys, make your lives extra________. day iota legacy ordinary iota legacy day ordinary

9 Common Latin words/phrases in English Ad hoc Ad nauseam Cogito ergo sum E pluribus unum Mea culpa Per se Persona non grata Quid pro quo Status quo Veni, vidi, vici Vice versa I think, therefore I am This for that I came, I saw, I conquered Keeping things as they are By itself Out of the many, one Reverse the order of My fault Until it makes one sick An ostracized person Hastily set up (poorly planned)

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