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Mayfield School KEY STAGE 4 OPTIONS 2014 - 16. Mayfield School CORE SUBJECTS You will study: Number of GCSEs (or equivalent) English Language & Literature2.

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Presentation on theme: "Mayfield School KEY STAGE 4 OPTIONS 2014 - 16. Mayfield School CORE SUBJECTS You will study: Number of GCSEs (or equivalent) English Language & Literature2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mayfield School KEY STAGE 4 OPTIONS 2014 - 16

2 Mayfield School CORE SUBJECTS You will study: Number of GCSEs (or equivalent) English Language & Literature2 Maths1 Science2 PE- Tutorial1 Total 6

3 Mayfield School When selecting your options, you child will choose subjects that add up to another 4 GCSEs: OPTIONS

4 Mayfield School You may only choose one subject from each of the 4 vertical columns. Choose one from: Business Studies Computing Drama Graphic Products History Media Resistant Materials Sociology Spanish Choose one from: Art Business Studies Computing OR ICT French Graphic Products PE Photography RE Resistant Materials Sociology Triple Science Choose one from: Business Studies Food French Geography Media Photography RE Textiles Choose one from: Art Drama Food Geography History ICT PE Spanish Textiles Triple Science Vocational DoubleHealth & Social Care (GCSE)Construction Single Business (BTEC) Music (BTEC) Drama (BTEC) Business (BTEC) Public Services (BTEC) Business (BTEC) Dance (BTEC) Child Development (BTEC) Media (BTEC) Drama (BTEC FOUNDATION LEARNING TIER Combined HumanitiesLanguage & Study Support Computing (Entry Level) ASDAN 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 22 1111

5 Mayfield School What are BTECs?


7 Mayfield School WHY BTECS WORK? Encourage skills development Empower learners Use locally devised assignments Link theory and real- work situations Develop practical skills and knowledge

8 Mayfield School THE BTEC DIFFERENCE Preparation for the world of work Learner appeal Pace Progression “Hands on” learning style Ongoing assessment delivers year–round motivation

9 Mayfield School BTEC SKILLS FOR THE WORLD OF WORK Team Building, Teamwork and Collaboration Presentation Skills ICT Skills Communication Skills – Written and Oral Initiative and Self-direction Leadership and Influence Social Skills

10 Mayfield School SCIENCE Triple Science Achieve 3 GCSEs: Biology Chemistry Physics 2 Subjects studied in Core Science – third science to be taken as part of options process. Students must have achieved a Level 6 in their October report and must achieve a Level 7 in April 2014. Core Science Achieve 2 GCSEs Elements of Biology, Chemistry & Physics are covered in Core Science. BTEC Science Achieve the equivalent of 2 GCSEs at grades C to A* Mainly coursework based. Students will be able to progress on to Level 3 BTEC Science – equivalent to 2 A’ Levels

11 Mayfield School Option AOption BOption COption D You may only choose one subject from each of the 4 vertical columns. Choose one from: Business Studies Computing Drama Graphic Products History Media Resistant Materials Sociology Spanish Choose one from: Art Business Studies Computing OR ICT French Graphic Products PE Photography RE Resistant Materials Sociology Triple Science Choose one from: Business Studies Food French Geography Media Photography RE Textiles Choose one from: Art Drama Food Geography History ICT PE Spanish Textiles Triple Science Vocational DoubleHealth & Social Care (GCSE)Construction Single Business (BTEC) Music (BTEC) Drama (BTEC) Business (BTEC) Public Services (BTEC) Business (BTEC) Dance (BTEC) Child Development (BTEC) Media (BTEC) Drama (BTEC FOUNDATION LEARNING TIER Combined HumanitiesLanguage & Study Support Computing (Entry Level) ASDAN

12 Mayfield School WHAT QUESTIONS SHOULD YOU ASK YOURSELF? What do I like doing? How do I like to learn? Have I got any ideas about what I would like to do in the future? What are they? What am I good at?

13 Mayfield School MAKING THEIR CHOICES. Rules to follow: If you choose BTEC Business, you should NOT choose Business Studies. You should NOT take BOTH Art & Photography. You should NOT take BOTH Art & Textiles. You should ONLY take ONE technology subject. You should ONLY take Spanish if you have studied it in Year 9 You should NOT choose more that 2 BTEC subjects. Many of the ‘top’ universities require a modern language at GCSE – but this does not apply to all universities and all courses. It is important that you researches this. If you don’t know what you want to do in the future, it is important that you study a range of different subjects.

14 Mayfield School Pick & Mix Depending on your ability and preferred learning style you can pick the subjects to match your strengths and interest.

15 Mayfield School EXAMPLE 1 You will choose 4 single GCSE subjects (one from each of the Option blocks A-D) for example: Spanish Art Geography Drama

16 Mayfield School Option AOption BOption COption D You may only choose one subject from each of the 4 vertical columns. Choose one from: Business Studies Computing Drama Graphic Products History Media Resistant Materials Sociology Spanish Choose one from: Art Business Studies Computing OR ICT French Graphic Products PE Photography RE Resistant Materials Sociology Triple Science Choose one from: Business Studies Food French Geography Media Photography RE Textiles Choose one from: Art Drama Food Geography History ICT PE Spanish Textiles Triple Science DoubleHealth & Social Care (GCSE)Construction Single Business (BTEC) Music (BTEC) Drama (BTEC) Business (BTEC) Public Services (BTEC) Business (BTEC) Dance (BTEC) Child Development (BTEC) Media (BTEC) Drama (BTEC FOUNDATION LEARNING TIER Combined HumanitiesLanguage & Study Support Computing (Entry Level) ASDAN

17 Mayfield School EXAMPLE 2 You will choose 1 double award subject from either columns A/B or C/D and 2 single award subjects from the other columns, for example: DramaHealth & Social Care ComputingFood ConstructionICT

18 Mayfield School Option AOption BOption COption D You may only choose one subject from each of the 4 vertical columns. Choose one from: Business Studies Computing Drama Graphic Products History Media Resistant Materials Sociology Spanish Choose one from: Art Business Studies Computing OR ICT French Graphic Products PE Photography RE Resistant Materials Sociology Triple Science Choose one from: Business Studies Food French Geography Media Photography RE Textiles Choose one from: Art Drama Food Geography History ICT PE Spanish Textiles Triple Science DoubleHealth & Social Care (GCSE)Construction Single Business (BTEC) Music (BTEC) Drama (BTEC) Business (BTEC) Public Services (BTEC) Business (BTEC) Dance (BTEC) Child Development (BTEC) Media (BTEC) Drama (BTEC FOUNDATION LEARNING TIER Combined HumanitiesLanguage & Study Support Computing (Entry Level) ASDAN

19 Mayfield School EXAMPLE 3 You will choose 2 single BTEC subjects and 2 GCSE subjects. For example: Music (BTEC) Sociology Business (BTEC) Spanish

20 Mayfield School Option AOption BOption COption D You may only choose one subject from each of the 4 vertical columns. Choose one from: Business Studies Computing Drama Graphic Products History Media Resistant Materials Sociology Spanish Choose one from: Art Business Studies Computing OR ICT French Graphic Products PE Photography RE Resistant Materials Sociology Triple Science Choose one from: Business Studies Food French Geography Media Photography RE Textiles Choose one from: Art Drama Food Geography History ICT PE Spanish Textiles Triple Science DoubleHealth & Social Care (GCSE)Construction Single Business (BTEC) Music (BTEC) Drama (BTEC) Business (BTEC) Public Services (BTEC) Business (BTEC) Dance (BTEC) Child Development (BTEC) Media (BTEC) Drama (BTEC FOUNDATION LEARNING TIER Combined HumanitiesLanguage & Study Support Computing (Entry Level) ASDAN

21 Mayfield School Foundation Learning Tier This is designed to help meet the needs of students who have learning difficulties or who are at an early stage of learning English. Students may choose all Foundation Learning subjects or may supplement their choices with GCSE(s) or BTEC(s) as appropriate. Your specific needs should be discussed with Mr Dixon, Mrs Alexander or Mrs Garland.

22 Mayfield School Option AOption BOption COption D You may only choose one subject from each of the 4 vertical columns. Choose one from: Business Studies Computing Drama Graphic Products History Media Resistant Materials Sociology Spanish Choose one from: Art Business Studies Computing OR ICT French Graphic Products PE Photography RE Resistant Materials Sociology Triple Science Choose one from: Business Studies Food French Geography Media Photography RE Textiles Choose one from: Art Drama Food Geography History ICT PE Spanish Textiles Triple Science DoubleHealth & Social Care (GCSE)Construction Single Business (BTEC) Music (BTEC) Drama (BTEC) Business (BTEC) Public Services (BTEC) Business (BTEC) Dance (BTEC) Child Development (BTEC) Media (BTEC) Drama (BTEC FOUNDATION LEARNING TIER Combined HumanitiesLanguage & Study Support Computing (Entry Level) ASDAN

23 Mayfield School VIP Run by the Business Education Partnership (BEP) - designed for students who, for whatever reason, would benefit from a one day work placement per week. Students complete the Options’ Form as normal (total of 4 choices) but also highlight VIP.

24 Mayfield School Option AOption BOption COption D You may only choose one subject from each of the 4 vertical columns. Choose one from: Business Studies Computing Drama Graphic Products History Media Resistant Materials Sociology Spanish Choose one from: Art Business Studies Computing OR ICT French Graphic Products PE Photography RE Resistant Materials Sociology Triple Science Choose one from: Business Studies Food French Geography Media Photography RE Textiles Choose one from: Art Drama Food Geography History ICT PE Spanish Textiles Triple Science DoubleHealth & Social Care (GCSE)Construction Single Business (BTEC) Music (BTEC) Drama (BTEC) Business (BTEC) Public Services (BTEC) Business (BTEC) Dance (BTEC) Child Development (BTEC) Media (BTEC) Drama (BTEC FOUNDATION LEARNING TIER Combined HumanitiesLanguage & Study Support Computing (Entry Level) ASDAN VIP

25 Mayfield School TIMETABLE Wednesday 23 October Options’ Assembly Tuesday 5, Wednesday 6 & Friday 8 November KS4 Taster Lessons Wednesday 13 November Options Evening for Parents and Students (7.00 p.m. start) Tuesday 3 December KS4 Transition Conversations (with senior staff) Option Forms will be handed out and completed at this time.

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