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Welcome to the Key Stage 4 Information Evening 22 January 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Key Stage 4 Information Evening 22 January 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Key Stage 4 Information Evening 22 January 2014

2 KS4 Preferences Information, Advice & Guidance is very important -Progress Checks -Tasters in lessons in January -Parent consultation evening last week (15 January 2014) -KS4 Information Booklet sent home with students last Friday -Lessons about making choices in RPE KS4 information evening -opportunity to speak to teaching staff and find out more about subjects on offer Primary school Secondary school – Key Stage 3 Secondary school – Key Stage 4 A levels; College; Apprenticeship

3 Year 9 Years 7 & 8 at Gosford are Key Stage 3. In Year 9 students commence Key Stage 4 courses. This means KS4 courses will be studied for 3 years and will result in a qualification.

4 Why we start KS4 in Year 9 at Gosford Students show higher levels of motivation in subjects they prefer to study. More time to focus on KS4 qualifications. Smaller class sizes. Students are able to begin to study a subject area in more detail, acquire new learning and develop wider skills. Our 3 year KS4 has contributed to improved exam successes for our students.

5 Some subjects are essential-called the core and all students will study these: English Maths Science Physical Education Religious and Personal Education (includes Personal Social & Health Education & Citizenship)

6 Other subjects are non-core and there is a range of subjects that you can indicate a preference for studying.

7 Year 8 students will be able to indicate a preference for 7 subjects (4 will be studied) Art Business Studies Catering Computer Science Drama French Geography German Health & Social Care History ICT Music Resistant Materials Sport Studies Textiles

8 Different qualifications  Vast majority of courses are GCSEs (GCSEs have most of their assessment at the end of the course)  Two courses are BTECs (BTECs have ‘on-going’ assessment throughout the course and now an end of course examination. BTECs are now seen as equivalent, and of equal standing, to GCSE)  One course is a Cambridge National (assessed in a similar way to BTECs but there is no end of course examination)

9 Year 8 students will be able to indicate a preference for 7 subjects (4 will be studied) Art Business Studies Catering Computer Science Drama French Geography German History Health & Social Care ICT Music Resistant Materials Sport Studies Textiles

10 Aiming High You are a bright and talented year group The expectation is that you should be achieving beyond your Minimum Expected Grade in all your subjects, and particularly English & Maths. The vast majority of you are likely to go on to study ‘A’ levels in our Sixth Form. Many of you will wish to attend University. Some of you will wish to pursue a college course and / or apprenticeship.

11 Examination reform (to date) Current Year 8s will commence the ‘new wave’ of GCSEs in Year 10 (September 2015). We will use Year 9 to prepare them for these changes, which include more demanding specifications. The ‘new GCSEs’ will be in English; English Literature and Maths. Current Year 8 students will sit a combination of ‘old’ and ‘new’ GCSEs in Summer 2017. ‘old’ GCSEs will be graded A*-G. ‘new’ GCSEs will be graded 8-0 (8 being highest).

12 Government and DfE emphasis English and Mathematics Science (double award or ‘triple’) At least one from :- History; Geography; Language; Computer Science 3 other subjects

13 Year 8 students will be able to indicate a preference for 7 subjects (4 will be studied) Art Business Studies Catering Computer Science* Drama French * Geography* German* Health & Social Care History* ICT Music Resistant Materials Sport Studies Textiles You must study at least one of the subjects asterixed *

14 The right course for the right learner Students should consider how well they learn best: Literacy Numeracy Practical Problem solving High order thinking Creative Team working Communication

15 Summary - You will need to: Consider the subjects you are achieving well in Think about what your teachers said about your progress at your parents’ consultation evening in January? Consider the subjects you enjoy (Which ‘taster’ sessions did you like?) Find out more about courses you are interested in by visiting faculty classrooms and speaking with teachers Discuss your preferences with your parents Discuss your preferences with you tutor and teachers Some students (and parents) may need a follow-up interview with their form tutor and / or House Leader

16 Preference Form (example) SubjectPreference Priority 1-7 Art & Design6 Business Studies5 Catering Computer Science* Drama1 French* Geography* German*2 Health & Social Care History*3 ICT7 Music Resistant Materials4 Sport Studies Textiles

17 Preference Form Deadline Friday 31 January deadline Return to form tutor Cannot guarantee every combination We will try our best to meet student preference requests I will write to you in Term 5 to confirm preferences You now have an opportunity to visit subject areas to find out more about courses to help make you preference decisions Senior Staff, House Leaders will be available in the Hall until 7 p.m. and then again at 7.45 p.m. before the evening ends at 8 p.m. Careers personnel are also available in the Hall after this talk and then in the learning centre Please do not leave with any unanswered questions Thank you once again for attending tonight

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