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Team Members: Mr. Chea Chathav Ms. Keo Khenalen Mr. Mao Chhyfa Ms. Thea Chanthy Mr. Sorn Rithysak.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Members: Mr. Chea Chathav Ms. Keo Khenalen Mr. Mao Chhyfa Ms. Thea Chanthy Mr. Sorn Rithysak."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Members: Mr. Chea Chathav Ms. Keo Khenalen Mr. Mao Chhyfa Ms. Thea Chanthy Mr. Sorn Rithysak

2 1. Introduction 2. Methodology 3. Results 4. Discussion 5. References Contents

3 Introduction 1.8 million registered vehicles today. [7] 9.6 million out of 15 million of the population is in between the driving age of 16 – 65 year olds. [7] Cambodia continues to experience rapid development and economic growth. [7] The estimated number of vehicles will reach 2.6 million in 2018 and 3.9 million in 2023. [7] With such rapidly growing numbers of vehicles, there is a risk of increasing number of fatal road accidents if the issue of emergency response is not addressed.

4 Introduction (cont.) The absolute number of road accidents has decreased in the past years. Challenges like speeding, drunk driving, bad road conditions, insufficient health care and unenforced traffic laws have led to an increase in fatal accidents, and the annual cost of 3.5 % of GDP (500milions USD). [7] Source: &

5 Introduction (cont.) What we want to do is to create a map which will show the nearest hospital to the scene of accident. Purposes:  Inform the public of the closest hospitals.  Help emergency responding centers to take a good and quick decision.  Offer a possible way to reduce the time delay between accident and start of medical treatment

6 2. Methodology

7 2. Methodology (Cont.) Data used: Road Dataset (Source: OpenstreetMap) Phnom Penh Hospitals (Source: OSM data, hand- held GPS)  Only hospital which serve for ambulance service were added to analysis.

8 2. Methodology (Cont.)  We will adopt the Network Analysis in ArcGIS desktop to solve the problem.  Step 1: o Assigning Topology rules for OSM road dataset Must Not Self-Overlap, Must Not Overlap, Must Not Have Dangle o Fixing Topology errors in ArcMap  Step 2: o Fixing crossing errors (merge and split at intersections of road dataset)

9 2. Methodology (Cont.) Step 3: Due to the time constraint, we did not mention some of road conditions such as One-way road, Turning, Restriction, etc. Although we assigned average Travel Speeds to road data according to road types as below: 55 km/h for Primarily roads and Secondary roads 50 km/h for Tertiary roads 40 km/h for Residential roads Adding Travel Time to road data ((([LENGHT] /1000) / [SPEED]) *60)

10 2. Methodology (Cont.) Step 4: Creating Road Network Dataset Step 5: Creating Hospital Service Areas using Travel Time (Minute) as impedance of the analysis setting, and break the value of 5, 10, 30 minutes.

11 3. Result The map shows the covered area for each hospital in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.  Green: 5 minutes area from each hospital  Orange: 10 minutes area for each hospital  Red: 30 minutes area for each hospital

12 3. Result (cont.) Another output map which was produced with lower travel speed of ambulance. o 40 km/h for Primarily roads and Secondary road o 35 km/h for Tertiary roads o 30 km/h for Residential roads

13 4. Discussion Road data, We decided to use OSM data which is an open- source data. However, the quality and accuracy of data is still considerable. In the future, we hope to improve the results of this project by using more accurate travel times and data (e.g. road conditions, traffic density, one-way streets etc.) It will take time and budget to cover more area in Cambodia.

14 5. References Chamreoun, S. (n.d.). Define Optimal Path of Fire Response by Using GIS in Phnom Penh. Cambodia: Royal University of Agriculture. Tong, X. (2011, July 14). Road accidents claim over 940 lives in Cambodia in past 6 months. Retrieved July 24, 2013, from http://news. Network Analyst. (2012, February 2). Retrieved July 24, 2013, from 004700000035000000 Cambodia road. (2013, July 1). Retrieved July 24, 2013, from zip Kunthea, M. (2013, July 3). Road accidents drops in 2013. Retrieved July 24, 2013, from accidents-drop-2013 Wilson, K. (2013, May 20). Serious Efforts Are Needed to Tackle Cambodia ’s Traffic Issues. The Cambodia Daily. Retrieved from http://www. cambod iadai

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