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Measure What You Treasure Camille Catlett FPG Child Development Institute (NC) Susan P. Maude IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY (IA)

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Presentation on theme: "Measure What You Treasure Camille Catlett FPG Child Development Institute (NC) Susan P. Maude IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY (IA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Measure What You Treasure Camille Catlett FPG Child Development Institute (NC) Susan P. Maude IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY (IA)

2 Please be generous Sharing your examples and experiences, as experienced professional development providers, will benefit us all.



5 Setting the Stage: Three Big Ideas 1.All → Each & Every 2. Knowledge acquisition + knowledge application 3. Facts →Evidence-based practices

6 All Each & Every

7 The Real Early Learning Challenge: Meeting the Needs of Each & Every Child

8 An effective teacher can have a stronger influence on student achievement than poverty, language background, class size, or minority status

9 NPDCI Definition of Professional Development “Professional development is facilitated teaching and learning experiences that are transactional and designed to support the acquisition of professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions as well as the application of this knowledge in practice…..

10 Definition (continued) The key components of professional development include: a)characteristics and contexts of the learners (i.e., the “who” ); b)content (i.e., the “what” of professional development); and c)organization and facilitation of learning experiences (i.e., the “how”).”

11 Individually Appropriate Developmentally Appropriate Culturally Appropriate Parts of a whole




15 You’ll need a handout that looks like this...

16 ... and one that looks like this

17 With a partner... Revise Assignment 1 to reflect key considerations. Then, discuss a new possible assignment for this course that reflects key considerations. Fourth Discuss whether the assignments incorporate opportunities for knowledge acquisition and knowledge application AND whether they presume prior knowledge or experience. Third Discuss whether the assignments provide opportunities to measure achievement of each learning outcome. Second Review the course assignments AND the key considerations for assignments in the sample syllabus First

18 Rubrics and Student Instructions Clear instructions, great expectations Roger Graves Sources used include: Stevens & Levi (2005); Zhang & Fiore (2011)



21 Instructions for assignments see pdf by Graves, R. (nd) Orient your readers Define terms Brief overview of the entire procedure Provide list of tools or concepts needed to be successful Break instructions into steps Keeps steps discrete Use imperative sentences (Verb + object) Nice-to-know vs. Need-to-know**** Guidelines for writing instructions How students read assignments Provide exemplars Your tips?

22 What is a rubric? Rubrics are developed to provide the instructor with a tool for consistently scoring work based on explicitly defined performance levels for the specific criteria that are being evaluated. Students can use the provided rubric to guide their efforts and fine tune their submission so as to meet the activity requirements.

23 Purpose of a rubric For formative (midterm) or summative (end of semester/course) evaluation: Create a common framework and language for evaluation. Provide clear expectations about what will be assessed and standards that should be met. Increase the consistency and objectivity of evaluation, especially scoring or rating of performance and products, by providing operational definitions for the standards. Provide clear feedback and identify areas for improvement.

24 Use  Rubrics can be used to grade any assignment or task: research papers, book reviews, oral presentations, and more. Discussion, teamwork, and cooperative learning (online discussion boards; class participation) Link to rubric about online courses (exemplar/resources section) Wiki rubric, blog rubric, twitter rubric Portfolio’s and E-portfolio’s Field Experience: Assessing teaching practices (classroom or field site observation) Evaluate implementation fidelity

25 Situations where rubrics can be applied for student evaluation: Comparison of types of student assessment (Zhang & Fiore, 2011). Traditional Testing (e.g., standardized, multiple choice) Given annually, one shot Based on a single setting One correct response Norm-referenced Test/teacher-driven "Teacher proof" Paper/pencil Narrow measure of skill Separate from curriculum and instruction Comparisons to others Produces anxiety Rubric-Based Performance Assessment (e.g., performance assessment, portfolio) Ongoing, cumulative Based on a variety of settings Open-ended, multiple possibilities Criterion-referenced Student-driven Teacher-mediated Performance Real-world, integrated application that measures capacity for constructing and using knowledge Integral to curriculum and instruction Comparisons to self and goals Produces ability to self-assess and self-correct

26 Types of rubrics Holistic rubric: Assessor generates a single global score for the entire work, sometimes based on a set of descriptors. Analytic rubric: Assessor judges the work by examining specific aspects of the work that will be evaluated independently. These aspects may be reported separately or they may be combined to create a global score (in some cases, the score is weighted based on the importance of the dimension/indicator).

27 (Holistic Rubric Example) Oral Report 5 Excellent: The student clearly describes the question studied and provides strong reasons for its importance. Specific information is given to support the conclusions that are drawn and described. The delivery is engaging and sentence structure is consistently correct. Eye contact is made and sustained throughout the presentation. There is strong evidence of preparation, organization, and enthusiasm for the topic. The visual aid is used to make the presentation more effective. Questions from the audience are clearly answered with specific and appropriate information. 4 Very Good: The student described the question studied and provides reasons for its importance. An adequate amount of information is given to support the conclusions that are drawn and described. The delivery and sentence structure are generally correct. There is evidence of preparation, organization, and enthusiasm for the topic. The visual aid is mentioned and used. Questions from the audience are answered clearly. 3 Good: The student describes the question studied and conclusions are stated, but supporting information is not as strong as a 4 or 5. The delivery and sentence structure are generally correct. There is some indication of preparation and organization. The visual aid is mentioned. Questions from the audience are answered. 2 Limited: The student states the question studied, but fails to fully describe it. No conclusions are given to answer the question. The delivery and sentence structure is understandable, but with some errors. Evidence of preparation and organization is lacking. The visual aid may or may not be mentioned. Questions from the audience are answered with only the most basic response. 1 Poor: The student makes a presentation without stating the question or its importance. The topic is unclear and no adequate conclusions are stated. The delivery is difficult to follow. There is no indication of preparation or organization. Questions from the audience receive only the most basic, or no, response. 0 No oral presentation is attempted.

28 Performance Element Distinguished __5__ Points Proficient _4___ Points Intermediate __3__ Points Novice __2-1__ Points PossibleScore Purpose and Focus Establishes and maintains clear focus; evidence of distinctive voice and/or appropriate tone Focused on a purpose; evidence voice and/or suitable tone An attempt to establish and maintain purpose and communicate with the audience Limited awareness of audience and/or purpose 5 Development of Ideas Depth and complexity of ideas supported by rich, engaging and/or pertinent details; evidence analysis, reflection and insight Depth of idea development supported by elaborated, relevant details Unelaborated idea development; unelaborated and/or repetitious details Minimal idea development, limited and/or unrelated details 5 Cross Cultural Perspectives We will generate these indicators as a group this semester given our readings from Barrera & Kramer as well as other readings and discussion. 10 References Use of references indicate substantial research (at least 15 references used, they are from the last 3-5 years unless seminal; uses mostly research journals and some secondary resources) Strong use of APA, MLA, SLA formatting Use of references indicate ample research (at least 15 references used, they are from the last 5 years unless seminal; uses mostly research journals and secondary resources). Good use of APA, MLA, SLA formatting Some references (at least 10 references used, they are from the last 5 years or older - unless seminal; uses some research journals and mostly secondary resources). Some use of APA, MLA, or SLA formatting. Few references (less than 10 used, older than the last 5 years and mostly uses secondary resources). Poor use of APA, MLA, or SLA formatting. 5 Organization Careful and/or suitable organizationLogical organizationLapses in focus and/or coherence Random or weak organization 5 Sentence Structure Variety of sentence structure and lengthControlled and varied sentence structureSimplistic and/or awkward sentence structure Incorrect or lack of topic and/or ineffective wording and/or sentence structure 5 Language Precise and/or rich languageAcceptable, effective languageSimplistic and/or imprecise language Incorrect and/or ineffective wording and/or sentence structure 5 Grammar and Formatting Control of surface featuresFew errors in grammar or format relative to length and complexity Some errors in grammar and/or format that do not interfere with communication Errors in grammar and format (e.g., spelling, punctuation, capitalization, headings) 5 Total Points 45 (Analytic Rubric Example) Rubric for Research Papers (45 points)


30 Types of rubrics: Comparison TypePurposeAdvantagesDisadvantages Holistic rubricGives the “big picture” Efficient and holisticLacks specificity and does not provide extensive feedback Analytic rubricIdentifies needs, strengths, and weaknesses Sometimes total does not equal to sum of the parts.

31 Online Course Systems - Rubrics If you use an online system (Blackboard, WEBCT, etc.), see if they provide a template for creating and using rubrics. Two handouts for steps in Blackboard (how to) in creating and using an online rubric will be posted.

32 Four (4) Part-by-Part development of a rubric Part 1: Task Description Part 2: Scale Part 3: Dimensions (Domain or attributes) Part 4: Description of the Dimensions (indicators)

33 Part 1: Task description Framed by the instructor and involves a “performance” of some sort by the students. Place the task description at the top of the grading rubric (lift from your syllabus). Most include a descriptive title and a task description.

34 Part 2: Scale Scale is the metric used to assign points to global categories (holistic) or specific elements (analytic) to assess how well any given task in the activity has been accomplished. Terms should be tactful but clear. Some prefer nonjudgmental, non competitive language such as “high” “middle” and/or “beginning”. How many scales should I use? First time using a rubric you may want to start with three and then build to 4 or 5. Example: Excellent, Competent, Needs Work (3 scale)

35 Other Scaling Examples Exemplary, proficient, marginal, unacceptable Below expectations, meets expectations, exceeds expectations Inadequate, barely adequate, good, exemplary Ineffective, moderately effective, effective, highly effective Below basic, basic, proficient, advanced Novice, developing, proficient, expert Rarely, sometimes, often, almost always

36 Part 3: Dimensions Lay out the parts of the task simply and completely. Clarifies components and which are most important. “Kind of” a task analysis. Elements needed for the final product.

37 Part 4: Description of the dimensions (indicators) All-encompassing categories. Should contain the highest level of performance per dimension. Specific indicators needed to meet that component or element.

38 Four key stages in constructing a rubric Stage 1: Reflecting. What do we want the students to do? Why did we create/use this assignment? What happened last time we gave it? Stage 2: Listing. Focus on the particular details of the assignment and what specific learning objectives we hope to see in the completed assignment. Stage 3: Grouping and labeling. Organize given #1 and #2, group expectations together in what will become the rubric dimensions. Stage 4: Application. Apply to a format/grid. Stevens & Levi (2005).

39 Practice Using A rubric for rubrics (Mullinex, B. 2003) and working in teams (or individually): 1.Start developing a rubric for the previous assignment. 2.Critique example provided. 3.Critique your own rubric.

40 Four (4) Part-by-Part development of a rubric Part 1: Task Description Part 2: Scale Part 3: Dimensions (Domain or attributes) Part 4: Description of the Dimensions (indicators)

41 Rubric Resources Graves, R. (nd). Clear instructions, great expectations: Creating good writing assignments. Retrieved from Mertler, C. (2001). Designing scoring rubrics for your classroom. Practical Assessment, Research, & Evaluation, 7(25). Retrieved from Moskal, B. (2003). Recommendations for developing classroom performance assessments and scoring rubrics. Practical Assessment, Research, & Evaluation, 8(14). Retrieved from Reynolds-Keefer, L. (2010). Rubric-referenced assessment in teacher preparation: An opportunity to learn by using. Practical Assessment, Research, & Evaluation, 15(8). Retrieved from

42 Highly referenced text Stevens, D., & Levia, A. (2005). Introduction to rubrics: An assessment tool to save grading time, convey effective feedback and promote student learning. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing. Also ppt available @

43 Links to exemplars CSU. (2009). Rubric for online instruction. content/uploads/sites/4/2013/02/Chico_rubric_online_teaching.pdf content/uploads/sites/4/2013/02/Chico_rubric_online_teaching.pdf Creative Commons – Share alike site: Teach Philosophy 101 – Tests, papers, assignments. Spielberg, L. (2011). FINE-Flamboyan Foundation Classroom Family Engagement Rubric (HFRP, March 2011 issue). Retrieved at engagement-in-the-classroom-what-teachers-need-to-know-and-be-able-to-do-to-engage-families-in-raising- student-achievement engagement-in-the-classroom-what-teachers-need-to-know-and-be-able-to-do-to-engage-families-in-raising- student-achievement Stevens & Levi text has a web site with samples: University of Wisconsin-Stout has some great resources on various ways to develop and use rubrics. Also provides many exemplars: Zhang, X., & Fiore, T. (2011). Measuring project performance with rubrics: Rules for development, use, and analysis. Workshop presented at the 2011 OSEP Project Director’s Conference, Washington, DC. Retrieved from MeasureProjPerformanceWRubric/Zhang_7-19_AM%281%29.pdf MeasureProjPerformanceWRubric/Zhang_7-19_AM%281%29.pdf Sites to help in rubric makers: RubiStar – free tool to help teachers create quality rubrics. Rcampus (personal) – Over 30,000 rubrics shared and build one electronically teAchnology – rubric makers

44 Thank you for your generous participation and your dedication to supporting each and every child and their unique family.

45 “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there” - Will Rogers

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