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WCSD ELL Department 2012

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1 WCSD ELL Department 2012

2 Show how WIDA supports the strategic plan and the pathway to assisting students to reach their graduation goal. We begin with the knowledge of how language learners on guided on this pathway to CCR through linguistic access at grade level content. WIDA provides the practice of specific CCSS standards that teacher will model and implement. This is practice can be done through language. WIDA differentiate for instruction at different levels of language development by providing both summative and formative assessment. And of course student outcome is the end result and WIDA provides the “CAN DO” for using language supports that assist students in reaching their full potential in academic language. WCSD

3 The WIDA Framework The WIDA resources were designed to provide teachers and administrators with tools to aid in the design of curriculum, instruction, and assessment for ELL’s. It has been designed to be used to apply the information contained within to the standards framework.

4 WIDA ELP Standards and Formative Assessment
Academic Language and the WIDA English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards As we examine WIDA Framework, we want to consider five components to helping students achieve academic language. We will consider the ELP standards, the grade level cluster, language domains, language proficiency levels, and the core of WIDA the model Performance Indicator which allows Ell students the can do to connect language to content. WIDA ELP Standards and Formative Assessment

5 The Five K-12 ELP Standards
Abbreviation English Language Proficiency Standard 1 English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting Social and Instructional language English Language Proficiency Standard 2 English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts The language of Language Arts English Language Proficiency Standard 3 English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Mathematics The language of Mathematics English Language Proficiency Standard 4 English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Science The language of Science English Language Proficiency Standard 5 English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Social Studies The language of Social Studies These standards are for the language of each subject area not the content, They remain the same k-12

6 5 standards for each grade span
5 Grade Level Spans 5 standards for each grade span When we look at the WIDA documents they are divided by grade levels – similar to CCSS. Under each grade level model performance indicators are arranged under content areas of social and instructional, language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. There are two frameworks, one formative and one summative.

7 4 Language Domains Listening Speaking Reading Writing
process, understand, interpret, and evaluate spoken language in a variety of situations Listening The four language domains define how Ells process and use language. The ELP standards are arranged by grade level cluster, by framework, by standard, and by language domain. Let’s look at the proficiency levels engage in oral communication in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes and audiences Speaking process, interpret, evaluate written language and symbols, and text with understanding and fluency Reading engage in written communication in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences Writing WCSD Janeen A. Kelly

8 Levels of English Proficiency
6 REACHING 5 REACHING These are the levels of English proficiency. They illustrate the progress of language development for any given grade cluster. REACHING: Classroom instruction as all other student learners. Student receives the same classroom instruction/support as any other student. Level 6 students function like a native speaker, but may experience a hiccup from time to time with the use of language. Refer everyone to the performance definitions handout BRIDGING 4 3 EXPANDING DEVELOPING 2 1 EMERGING ENTERING WCSD Janeen A. Kelly

9 Model Performance Indicator (MPI)
In your binder you have a copy of an example of how the WIDA is laid out Across the top is the language proficiency level, down the left side the language domains and each cell is the model performance indicator. The MPI is characterized by theme that connects through the topic or genres that are identified for state academic standards They are scaffold from one language proficiency level (or MPI) based on the criteria for the performance definition. For example linguistic complexity, vocabulary usage and language control. They are developmentally appropriate for ELLs at a specific grade level Academically rigorous, with the highest level of English language proficiency corresponding to language expectations of proficient English speakers at the highest grade level of that cluster.

10 Social and Instructional Social and Instructional
ELPS Formative Summative Social and Instructional Social and Instructional Language Arts Language Arts The primary focus of the summative is for instruction and assessment that can identify the range of the model performance indicators that describe the learning outcomes of students. The summative looks at the products of learning and could be converted to be ongoing and formative too. The formative framework for instruction and assessment and is geared toward guiding student learning and teacher instruction on an on going basis. It is intended to capture those aspects of instruction that don’t necessarily need to have a test, but inform us about student learning. The formative framework provides opportunities for students to work as partners, small groups, etc. Mathematics Mathematics Science Science Social Studies Social Studies


12 English Language Proficiency Levels
Standard title, content area, and framework To look at the layout, this slide labels the important pieces of the framework. Standard title, content area, and is it a formative or summative framework. It lists the domains on the left and the proficiency levels across the top. A line straight across is call the strand of MPI’s scaffolding from level 1 to level 5 to ELL academic proficiency and language and each box is the description of the model of performance indicator. A strand of model performance indicators Domains Model performance indicator

13 The WIDA Performance Definitions are an example of a holistic rubric
When we look at the performance definitions they give us criteria for that level of proficiency, they are similar to a rubric WIDA ELP Standards and Formative Assessment

14 The Performance Definitions describe what students can be expected to do within the four language domains. The Performance Definitions are a key component of the standards documents, and the use of the standards and corresponding MPIs must be in conjunction with the Performance Definitions. The MPIs, delineated by language proficiency level, give expectations for what students should be able to process and produce at a given proficiency level. The Performance Definitions describe how well the student can or should be expected to do so. For example, the language function “describe” appears in MPIs at levels 1-4. What language does a student at language proficiency level 2 need to produce in order to “describe”? What can he or she reasonably be expected to process to understand a description? How does this compare with a student at language proficiency level 4? The language function “describe” for a level 2 student may mean producing or comprehending phrases or short sentences using common adjectives and modifiers, whereas a level 4 student may be expected to process or use extended discourse incorporating relative clauses, similes or metaphors. This example illustrates how the Performance Definitions are an essential companion to the strands of MPIs.

15 What is a model performance indicator (MPI)?
The MPIs give expectations for what & how students can process and produce at a given proficiency level. MPI When we look at MPI’s, they give us the expectations for what and how students will process and produce language/learning at any proficiency level.

16 Academic Language and the WIDA ELP Standards
The model performance indicator shows examples of language expectations at different levels of language proficiency across different domains and ELP standards Notice here we have: Describe objects of the earth or sky from observations, photographs or models. Describe is the language function Objects of the earth or sky is the topic or standard From observations, photographs or models is the support provided to help students meet the learning outcomes. WIDA ELP Standards and Formative Assessment

17 Academic Language and the WIDA ELP Standards
The elements of academic language are implicit in the performance indicator What elements of academic language are needed to “describe”? So for students to meet the Linguistic complexity and academic language – we want to think about linguistically what does this require to be able to describe something. As a teacher examines the demands or challenges of the complexity and language – they plan their support to help students achieve. WIDA ELP Standards and Formative Assessment

18 Activity Change Language Function Keep standard, support
Change Standard Keep language function, support Change Support Keep language function, standard Discussion Application to CCSS Let’s get into the MPI’s and see how they support language and content and the similarities with CCSS. First, I have the my language function Identify. Second I have my standard information on trade routes. Next I select by level of support based on proficiency level – With a partner. Now I want to change my language function, but not my standard or my level of support Explain trade routes with a partner. Do you see how we can meet the needs of many levels of proficiency within our classroom Let’s do a bit more. I am going to keep the language function Explain, but add a new standard trends based on historical events….with a partner How could I change the support…. How could I change the function…. How could I change the standard… I want you to take the envelopes and inside each are language functions (blue), standards (yellow), and levels fo support (green). Work as a tabl. First pick language function, standard, support. Trade out function, but keep standard, support Trade out standard, keep function and support Trade out support, keep function and standard. Do this several times After doing this activity, look at the CCSS, think how will WIDA’s MPI’s support CCSS and connect language to content through academic language proficiency? WCSD Janeen A. Kelly

19 Reflection Questions

20 Common Core State Standards
The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State School Officers strongly believe that all students should be held to the same high expectations outlined in the Common Core State Standards. This includes students who are English language learners (ELLs). However, these students may require additional time, appropriate instructional support, and aligned assessments as they acquire both English language proficiency and content area knowledge. The need: We couldn’t stress enough how important it is that the Ells are held to the same high standard as the general population. We cannot afford to postpone their learning of the content until they are fully proficient in English.

21 Common Core State Standards (continued)
To help ELLs meet high academic standards in language arts it is essential that they have access to: Teachers and personnel at the school and district levels who are well prepared and qualified to support ELLs while taking advantage of the many strengths and skills they bring to the classroom; Literacy-rich school environments where students are immersed in a variety of language experiences; Instruction that develops foundational skills in English and enables ELLs to participate fully in grade-level coursework; As you know, the CCSS encourage and mandate the development of literacy in ALL content areas, not limited to language arts.

22 Common Core State Standards (continued)
Coursework that prepares ELLs for postsecondary education or the workplace, yet is made comprehensible for students learning content in a second language (through specific pedagogical techniques and additional resources); Opportunities for classroom discourse and interaction that are well- designed to enable ELLs to develop communicative strengths in language arts; Ongoing assessment and feedback to guide learning; and Speakers of English who know the language well enough to provide ELLs with models and support. (Application of Common Core State Standards for English Language Learners) The SIOP model addresses these requirements: lesson preparation and delivery, building background, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, review and assessment—will assure that you are fulfilling the requirements of the common core standards.

23 Common Core State Standards What Is Not Covered by the Standards
The Standards set grade-specific standards but do not define the intervention methods or materials necessary to support students who are well below or well above grade-level expectations. It is also beyond the scope of the Standards to define the full range of supports appropriate for English language learners and for students with special needs. At the same time, all students must have the opportunity to learn and meet the same high standards if they are to access the knowledge and skills necessary in their post–high school lives. CCSS for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects SIOP can be easily aligned with the UDL—which is promoted by the CCSS. By using the SIOP, you will be prepared to reach ALL studens.

24 To Avoid Misunderstandings
WCSD Dawn Adams

25 WIDA provides ELLs ACCESS to CCSS
A Framework for teachers to hold ELLs to a high cognitive demand while providing appropriate LINGUISTIC SCAFFOLDS to ensure high expectations and student success. WCSD Dawn Adams

26 Paradigm Shift of How/When, NOT IF, to Scaffold Close Reads
From To Contextual support Cultural Specifics Idioms Vocabulary Background Order Culminating activity is responding to the text. Contextual support Cultural Specifics Idioms Vocabulary Background WCSD Dawn Adams

27 Ways for ELLs to access the CCSS and to support teachers
Ways for ELLs to access the CCSS and to support teachers. GLAD and SIOP help teachers use this framework in the classroom.

28 The SIOP - WIDA Connection
Academic Language Proficiency Content Language WIDA SIOP CCSS WCSD Kimberly Howland

29 The WIDA/ELP Standards
Abbreviation English Language Proficiency Standard 1 English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting Social and Instructional language English Language Proficiency Standard 2 English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts The language of Language Arts English Language Proficiency Standard 3 English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Mathematics The language of Mathematics English Language Proficiency Standard 4 English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Science The language of Science English Language Proficiency Standard 5 English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Social Studies The language of Social Studies SIOP provides the instructional framework to teachers across all content areas. The WIDA Standards provide teachers with a tool that informs their instructional practices so that academic language proficiency can be accomplished no matter what the content area happens to be.

30 The GLAD - WIDA Connection
Academic Language Proficiency Content Language WIDA GLAD CCSS WSCD Kimberly Howland

31 Proficiency Standards
Targeting the CCSS Using the WIDA Framework: Guided Language Acquisition Design - GLAD Assessment P Wiggins & McTighe Planning c Instructional Strategies CCSS GLAD, SIOP WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards Grade Level Formative & Summative Frameworks Whole Class – Small Group - Independent WCSD Kris Gingras and Edith

32 Final Reflections and Application
Form groups to discuss questions and roll-out ideas Fill out index card Greatest take away Additional Questions

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