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Active ingredient: Ethanol or Ethyl alcohol Why do people drink? Why drinking age of 21? Drink in moderation: amount causing no harm to health Proof =

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Presentation on theme: "Active ingredient: Ethanol or Ethyl alcohol Why do people drink? Why drinking age of 21? Drink in moderation: amount causing no harm to health Proof ="— Presentation transcript:

1 Active ingredient: Ethanol or Ethyl alcohol Why do people drink? Why drinking age of 21? Drink in moderation: amount causing no harm to health Proof = % of alcohol in a drink 100 proof = 50 % alcohol

2 Standard drink size: ½ ounce of ethanol 1 ounce hard liquor 10 ounce wine cooler 12 ounce beer 3-4 ounces of wine

3 Moderate: Health not harmed, drink no excessive, behavior is ok Social: social occasions, may be moderate or problem Binge: drinks 4 or more drinks in a short period Problem: suffer social, emotional, family, job and other related problems. Alcohol Addict: full-blown disease, out-of-control

4 Depressant Alcohol acts fast, no barriers Rapidly into blood and every cell Not digested Liver breaks down 1 drink per hour

5 Behavior Unpredictable Reasoning and Judgement gone Speech, vision, balance, etc. Body’s defense: 1. Liver 2. Vomit 3. Pass Out

6 Hangover: awful feeling the day after drinking Headache, nausea, etc. Caused by congeners, formaldehyde, dehydration Delirium: severe form with tremors, mental confusion, and hallucinations

7 Liver Disease liver cells fill up with fat, die and harden up High blood pressure, stroke, heart attack Fetal alcohol syndrome (mothers)

8 DWI: Driving while intoxicated DUI: Driving under the influence Limit in Iowa is.08 Zero Tolerance for drivers under age 21 (actually -.02) Breathalyzer Test: device you blow into that will measure blood alcohol level. Time is the only cure to sober up!

9 Enabler: allows them to drink and saves them from consequences Codependent: enabler within the family Support Groups: Alcoholics Anonymous, Alateen, Al-Anon Steps to Recovery: Admit it, get help, stay quit! Emotional Stages: Denial Bargaining Anger and Guilt Acceptance

10 Don’t apologize Expect others to respect your choice

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