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1 Weigh In Motion 28/05/12 – 01/06/12. 2 WEIGH IN MOTION OVERVIEW Weighing in Motion (WIM) devices are designed to capture and record axle weights and.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Weigh In Motion 28/05/12 – 01/06/12. 2 WEIGH IN MOTION OVERVIEW Weighing in Motion (WIM) devices are designed to capture and record axle weights and."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Weigh In Motion 28/05/12 – 01/06/12

2 2 WEIGH IN MOTION OVERVIEW Weighing in Motion (WIM) devices are designed to capture and record axle weights and gross vehicle weights as vehicles drive over a measurement site. Unlike static scales, WIM systems are capable of measuring at either a reduced or normal traffic speed, and do not require the vehicle to stop The WIM area consists of 3 lanes. 2 standard and 1 OOG / B Double lane


4 WEIGH IN MOTION PROCESS Trucks to enter the Weigh In Motion via the main roadway between 4 and 5 berth All trucks carrying a load will be required to enter the WIM (including MT containers) Trucks to proceed to pinning area behind grid 6, and pin containers (PPE to be worn at all times) Enter the WIM (booms remain upright unless a truck is in the WIM) Truck to proceed at constant speed (under 5kms) to the kiosk Axle group weights will be visible on the LED scrolling screen display, followed by total weight and a light status – Green / Orange / Red –No breach – Green Light –Minor – 0 to +5% - Orange Light –Substantial - >5 to + 20% - Orange Light –Severe - >20% - Red Light 4

5 ACCURATE WEIGHT READING Trucks must travel at a constant speed, under 5 km’s per hour (recommended Crawler Gear) Truck axles must stay over the WIM pads at all times No braking whilst in the WIM airlock area, until clear of the weigh pads 5

6 GREEN STATUS DRIVER RECEIVES A GREEN LIGHT – NO WEIGHT BREACH Driver approached kiosk –Swipe MSIC –Enter Bat Number –Receives ticket with completed container details –Exits WIM to Physical Security Check 6

7 ORANGE STATUS DRIVER RECEIVES ORANGE LIGHT Minor – 0 to +5% Substantial - >5 to +20% Driver approached kiosk –Swipes MSIC –Enter Bat Number –Receives ticket with completed container details –Exits WIM to Physical Security Check NOTE; Trucks are required by law to proceed directly to a container freight station for repack / reposition 7

8 RED STATUS RED LIGHT IS VISIBLE AS AXLE GROUP IS ‘SEVERE OVERWEIGHT CATEGORY’ Driver approached kiosk –Swipe MSIC –Enter Bat Number –Driver is asked if they have CML or HML certificate –Select ‘No’ –Truck configuration and container numbers are displayed –Driver selects X for containers he wishes to leave on his truck –Confirms removal of container –Ticket received with container details / Yard position –Driver MUST enter the truck park to undo pins –Proceed to Light at Truck Park –Once instructed by Road Controller, driver proceeds to Yard Position for unload –Driver must then re-enter the WIM until a Green / Orange light is received 8

9 RED STATUS – CML / HML Certified CML CERTIFICATE – CONCESSIONAL MASS LIMIT HML CERTIFICATE – HIGHER MASS LIMIT Red light is visible as axle group is ‘severe overweight category’ Driver approached kiosk –Swipe MSIC –Enter Bat Number –Driver is asked if they have CML or HML certificate –Select ‘YES’ –Overload weights are displayed on screen –Driver determines if these weights meets his certificate approved weights –Receives ticket with completed container details –Exits WIM to Physical Security Check 9

10 Over Speed / Bad Read The speed limit of the Weigh In Motion area is under 5km/hr (suggested crawler gear) Over speed is obtained by travelling over 5km/h Bad read is obtained by not travelling at a constant speed i.e stop / starting over the weigh pads Drivers who receive a To Fast / Bad Read status will be required to exit the WIM area, proceed down the main roadway between Grids 4 & 5, turn right along grid 5 and back along grid 6 to re-enter the WIM area Following this traffic flow procedure and re-waiting in the WIM queue can be time consuming for the driver. We suggest you ensure your drivers are aware of the consequences to not following the instructions to ensure a correct read 10

11 11 Thank you

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