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The North Takes Charge Section 11-4. Preview Questions What battle turned the tide of the war? How did the Battle of Vicksburg affect the Confederacy?

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Presentation on theme: "The North Takes Charge Section 11-4. Preview Questions What battle turned the tide of the war? How did the Battle of Vicksburg affect the Confederacy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The North Takes Charge Section 11-4

2 Preview Questions What battle turned the tide of the war? How did the Battle of Vicksburg affect the Confederacy? How did Union forces wear down the South?

3 I. Armies Clash at Gettysburg Importance Turning point of Civil War South crippled: No longer on offensive Background Union defeated at Chancellorsville Stonewall Jackson killed

4 I. Armies Clash at Gettysburg First Day of Battle: July 1, 1863 – Fierce Confederate assault forces Union retreat near Cemetery Ridge Second Day of Battle: July 2, 1863 – Confederates attack at Cemetery Ridge – Union bayonet assault holds their lines

5 I. Armies Clash at Gettysburg Third Day of Battle: July 3, 1863 – Pickett’s Charge Confederate raid that fails – Lee looses too many men to launch another offensive attack – Lee retreats to Virginia

6 II. Grant Wins at Vicksburg April-July 1863 Importance – Split Confederacy in two – Union controls Mississippi River

7 III. The Gettysburg Address Listed reasons why Union fought Emphasized idea of reunification Assured people Union would survive

8 IV. Confederacy Wears Down Confederate Problems – Low morale – No supplies – Soldiers desert – Disagreement among leaders

9 IV. Confederacy Wears Down Wilderness Campaign (May 1864) – Grant’s plan to immobilize Lee’s forces – Union loses more men, but can replace

10 IV. Confederacy Wears Down Sherman’s March (September 1864) – March from Atlanta to coast, through SC & NC – Destroy anything of value – Defeat civilians (Total War)

11 IV. Confederacy Wears Down Surrender at Appomattox – Davis destroys Richmond and flees – April 9, 1865: Surrender

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