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Direct Democracy Referendums like Quebec 1980 and 1995Switzerland.

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1 Direct Democracy Referendums like Quebec 1980 and 1995Switzerland

2 REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY Government in which people elect representatives who hold the decision making power. Large public elections only happen every 4-5 years. Example: USA or India (presidential democracy), Japan (parliamentary democracy) Canada is a parliamentary democracy combined with a monarchy called a Constitutional Monarchy

3 Representative Democracy Canada U.S.A Germany 1990-present day

4 Constitutional Monarchy A system of government in which a monarch (king, queen, prince, duke, etc.) is bound by a constitution whereby his/her rights, duties, and responsibilities are spelled out in written law or by custom. The monarch is not actively involved in policy formation or implementation (i.e., the exercise of sovereign powers by a monarch in a ceremonial capacity); rather, true governmental leadership is carried out by a cabinet and its head - a prime minister, premier, or chancellor - who are drawn from a legislature (parliament). New ZealandJamaica Denmark Canada Holland

5 Constitutional Monarchy Japan CanadaBritain

6 Absolute Monarchy The most famous example of an absolute monarch is Louis XIV. He ruled France 1643-1715. He was called the Sun King and he once said “ L'État, c'est moi “(The state is me), Louis XIV

7 ARISTOCRACY (OLIGARCHY) Form of government in which the power is in the hands of a few persons or a small group, who have the power of a dictator Often the rich and / or educated Example: South Africa (Apartheid), Ancient Greece

8 Florence (city in Italy) 1300s-1700s The Medici Family was one of the families that controlled the city Oligarchy Corporate Oligarchies occur when a few companies control a market South Africa until 1994 was an oligarchy where the 20% white population controlled the country. The oligarchy was based on race and was called apartheid

9 COMMUNIST Where the government owns all land and property, as well as distribution of goods and wealth In theory, everyone is equal and works towards sharing the wealth Example: China and Cuba

10 Communism LeninStalin Union of Soviet Socialists Republic (USSR) (RUSSIA) 1917-1990 The People’s Republic of China 1949-present day Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989

11 FASCISM / NAZISM Facism is an authoritarian government that believes the interests of the state (gov’t) are more important than those of an individual or society It seeks a type of national unity, usually based on, but not limited to, ethnic, cultural or racial attributes Example: Germany under Hilter, Italy under Mussolini

12 Fascism Nazi Germany 1933-1945 under Adolph Hitler Italy 1922-1943 under Benito Mussolini

13 THEOCRACY The government is controlled by religious leaders Religious beliefs and documents (ie. The bible and the Qur’an) will greatly influence how the government runs the country (ie. Laws and punishments) Example: Vatican City (Roman Catholic Church), Afghanistan (Taliban)

14 Theocracy Iran Vatican City Taliban in Afghanistan

15 CAPITALIST An economic / political system which trusts that competition between businesses will result in the best system. Capitalism relies on private businesses to control themselves, as opposed to a government controlled economy $$ Rules Example: USA

16 ANARCHY Absence of government; a state of lawlessness due to beliefs that people are inherently good and can organize themselves without government Example: 1970’s Punk Rock Movement (The Sex Pistols) Anarchy New Orleans after the 2006 Hurricane Katrina; Haiti after the 2010 Earthquake.

17 MILITARY DICTATORSHIP Power is in the hands of one individual, who usually has the support or control of the army (military) The army makes sure the people follow what the dictator says, using force when necessary. Example: Muammar al-Galdafi of Libya and Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan

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