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Safer Internet Day February 10 th 2009. Good afternoon Welcome to our e-safety assembly e-safety assembly.

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Presentation on theme: "Safer Internet Day February 10 th 2009. Good afternoon Welcome to our e-safety assembly e-safety assembly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safer Internet Day February 10 th 2009

2 Good afternoon Welcome to our e-safety assembly e-safety assembly

3 The best things online  Search engines  Homework  Projects  Personal interest  Amazing facts The biggest library in the world  Blogs (web log)  Vlogs (video log)  Web sites  Text & pictures  Music/photo/video Anyone can become a publisher Connect Create Discover  Email  Chat  Instant Messenger  Multi-user games  Social networks Brings people together

4 Keeping safe when using computers Internet – viruses, downloading, unwanted content Email – SPAM, bullying, messages from people you don’t know Chat rooms and social networking – personal information/ stranger danger Mobile phones – messages from people you don’t know, or that are not nice. Do you know what to do about it?

5 Cool sites about e-safety m/teachers/t_internet _safety.html m/teachers/t_internet _safety.html

6 S - safe Keeping personal information safe and secure

7 M - meet Do not agree to meet people you meet on the internet – they may not be who they say they are

8 A - accept Do not accept e mails or messages they may contain nasty content or viruses

9 R reliable Information may not be true or someone could be lying about who they are

10 T - tell Tell your parent, teacher or an adult you trust if something worries you


12 Design a poster about smart internet use



15 Great resources from WMnet,index&zz=20081117193128939

16 Links on our school website Visit the new e Safety area on the school website

17 KS 1 Videos and games

18 Help dongle get it right

19 Be SMART at Kid Smart

20 Visit the cybercafe

21 E safety games

22 Top Tips! Always ask a grown up before you use the internet. They can help you find the best thing to do. Don’t tell strangers where you live, your phone number or where you go to school. Only your friends and family need to know that. Don’t send pictures to people you don’t know. You don’t want strangers looking at photos of you, your friends or your family. Tell a grown up if you feel scared or unhappy about anything. Ask a grown up to help you put the Hector's World Safety Button on your computer. This will mean you can press it if anything makes you scared or unhappy. Hector's World Safety ButtonHector's World Safety Button You can also call ‘Childline’ on: 08001111 to talk to someone who can help.

23 Parents and carers

24 Digital Parent

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