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1 Continuity Planning for transportation agencies.

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1 1 Continuity Planning for transportation agencies

2 2 Why do we need continuity planning?

3 3 Because… they need continuity!

4 4 Insert Your Agency Logo on this page as you wish Continuity of Operations (COOP) means many things to many people. To our agency, COOP means we want to continue to do the essential things our customers and partners need, even in times of emergency.

5 5 Insert Your Agency Logo on this page as you wish We will keep ourselves and our customers safe, secure, and mobile, as best we can. We do that best by planning to do it. This presentation explains how we might go about planning to continue operations during an emergency.

6 6 Insert Your Agency Logo on this page as you wish [Insert name of agency here] is responsible for: Include statements here for your agency that will focus on broad ranges of responsibilities for… State Departments of Transportation Traffic Management Centers Public Transportation Agencies

7 7 Today, we face new kinds of threats, and we still have the same old threats and dangers we have always had in transit and transportation agencies. Threats don’t have to be from man-made causes.

8 8 Communications systems fail Information technology doesn’t work Fire is a danger Key people are not available Power outages … flood waters … stranded passengers …

9 9 What continuity planning is not… It is NOT just based on terrorist threats It is NOT busy work that won’t pay off It is NOT just a process that gives you a plan for your shelf What continuity planning is… Prioritizing essential functions Defining resource needs Defining personnel needs Defining communications needs Testing, exercising, updating

10 10 Goals of COOP planning Our goals should be to: 1)Promote a proactive strategy 2)Reduce the likelihood AND minimize adverse impacts of an emergency 3)Maintain essential agency functions in times of emergency PLAN! PROTECT! PERSEVERE!

11 With OR Without Warning!


13 13 The [insert agency name] intends to appropriately prepare for, respond to, and recover from any loss of personnel, resources or facilities due to an emergency solely within our agency, or as part of a community, regional or national emergency. Our mission…

14 14 Senior leaders Own the process Make a commitment Empower the planners Remain involved

15 15 8 Steps in COOP planning 1.Initiate process; select, empower team 2.Assess capabilities, vulnerabilities 3.Define, prioritize essential functions 4.Develop, review and approve COOP plan 5.Develop supporting procedures (SOPs) 6.Train all personnel 7.Test plans & equipment; exercise people 8.Assure continuous maintenance, updates

16 16 Key Personnel (COOP Teams) Essential Functions Delegation of Authority Orders of Succession Alternate Facilities Vital Records and Databases Interoperable Communications Testing, Training and Exercises Continuity of Operations (COOP) Plan Personnel Issues and Coordination

17 17 The simple explanation What do we have to do? Who?When?Where?How? Personnel ResourcesFacilities Procedures

18 18 Plan implementation The damage from an event could be repaired in a short time, e.g., matter of days or weeks, or it could be so extensive that it will take months or years to return to normal operations at the facility. A COOP plan can be activated in part or in whole depending upon the disruption or threat.

19 19 Plan Implementation An event may demand that personnel evacuate a single facility for a day or two. In that case, execution of only the “Communications” component and IT recovery of data and systems may be necessary. On the other hand, an agency’s headquarters could be destroyed by fire or other calamity, which necessitates full COOP plan implementation.

20 20 Plan Implementation An effective COOP plan will outline an executive decision process for the quick and accurate assessment of the situation and a determination of the best course of action for response and recovery. A decision matrix or flow chart that ties the agency’s reaction to the class or level of emergency is a good tool to utilize.

21 21 Plan Implementation Having the plan is only part of the solution. Each agency must develop a strategy for implementing it. Teams should be identified to carry out specific work. Checklists should be developed to remind team leaders and members of roles and responsibilities, and provide them with the basic information needed to carry them out.

22 22 Resumption Plan Requirements Leadership needs to provide general guidance and policy on ending alternate operations and returning to non-emergency status. Resumption procedures establish the specific actions that will be taken to ensure a timely and efficient transfer of communications, direction and control and vital records and databases to normal operations.

23 23 Plan maintenance Keep the Plan up To date Drills And exercises After Action Reviews Improvement Plans Changes To be made

24 24 Who is on the team? EVERYBODY Upper, middle or lower management Personnel who will carry out essential functions Personnel who will support essential functions Personnel who will form contingency teams to address the unforeseen

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