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S YLLABLES AND S YLLABIC B REAK -U P ‘Cause breaking up is hard to do…

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Presentation on theme: "S YLLABLES AND S YLLABIC B REAK -U P ‘Cause breaking up is hard to do…"— Presentation transcript:

1 S YLLABLES AND S YLLABIC B REAK -U P ‘Cause breaking up is hard to do…

2 What What is a syllable? How How does one count syllables in a word? Why Why on earth do we need to know this?


4 some call syllables the number of “beats” in a word car-rot has 2 “beats” and thus 2 syllables made up of vowel and consonant sounds (phonemes) must contain a non-silent vowel What do all of these words have in common? style fifths plate plain freight eye oil pale pail light trail traipse

5 H OW DOES ONE COUNT THE SYLLABLES IN A WORD ? 1.Count the number of vowels in the word. 2.Subtract 1 for any silent vowels. 3.Subtract 1 for any diphthongs (oi, ai, ea, ou, etc.) mouse 1 2 3 mouse 1 2 mouse 1

6 H OW DOES ONE COUNT THE SYLLABLES IN A WORD ? airtight 1 2 3 airtight 1 2 style 1 2 style 1 humble 1 2 idea 1 2 3 create 1 2 3 create 1 2

7 H OW DOES ONE BREAK - UP S YLLABLES ? air-tight 1 2 style 1 hum-ble 1 2 i-de-a 1 2 3 cre-ate 1 2

8 H OW DOES ONE BREAK - UP S YLLABLES ? Long vowels (a, e, i, o, u) break after the vowel ro-bothu-manre-write I-podba-sic Short vowels require a consonant at the end of the syllable cab-inmin-ute vow-el (mi-nute) Break between 2 middle consonants rab-bitcac-tushum-ble (style) Watch out for r’s! Sometimes they effect the vowel dec-o-ratein-ter-est-ingspar-kle ru-raltur-nipcar-tridge


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