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Integrated Power Electronics Simulations at GE CRD

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1 Integrated Power Electronics Simulations at GE CRD
Rui Zhou Electronic Power Conversion Program Electronic Systems and Technologies Lab General Electric Corporate Research & Development

2 Tools for Power Electronics System Design
Many simple designs can adequately be addressed using specialized tools such as SABER. There are more complex systems and applications that require simultaneous use of different tools: Large transient applications: steel mill drives, x-ray and MR imaging, pulsed radar, … More complex, multi-disciplinary systems: electronic driven discharge lamps, motors and electronic drives, … Real time control code integration with tools. Today integration solutions are non-systematic and different for each design. Most often solutions rely on tool augmented with C or FORTRAN code. Use of home-grown integration tools such as GEN III DFSS tools is typical.

3 Many tools, only point solutions for integration
Tools for Power Electronics System Design Electronic Design Tools Thermal / Mechanical Tools Solid Modeling Tools: UG IDEAS Circuit Simulation Tools: Saber Pspice ACSL Hspice Cadence/Matrix X Finite Element Tools: ANSYS/Abaqus Pro Engineer, UG Thermal Tools: Fluent TMG/IDEAS Ansys Thermal Flotherm/Flomerics Layout Tools: Mentor Cadence Autocad Fault Analysis Tools: Oppmax TESTIFY (Analogy) Optimization Tools Electromagnetic Tools: Ansoft GEN III DFSS Tools iSIGHT Many tools, only point solutions for integration

4 DSP Controlled Power Converter X-Ray Tube and Filament
Example: X-Ray Tube Filament System Design Develop an integrated, transient thermo-electric simulation to facilitate design of cardiac X-Ray generator power electronics. Determine optimal electrical parameters to maximize x-ray tube performance and filament reliability for a wide range of filament coil geometries. DSP Controlled Power Converter X-Ray Tube and Filament

5 Filament current boost Increased filament temperature
Example: X-Ray Tube Filament System Design The X-ray generator needs to quickly increase the filament temperature before x-rays can be emitted from the tube. Achieve faster response, without overheating the filament. Take into account filament, geometry, environment, aging,... Filament current boost Increased filament temperature

6 Integrated Simulation Approach
Thermal Model (SRDC IDEAS) Temperatures Filament Geometry & Properties (FORTRAN) Electron-Optical Emission Model (Opera-3D) Tube Geometry & Properties (many) e- Emission Properties Transient Thermal-Electric Model (Simulink) Filament Life Filament Temperature Generator Output (SABER+C real time) X-Ray Time

7 Example: Integral Electronic Lamp Design
Challenge is to achieve fully optimized design. Very close interaction between electronics and light source. Electrodless Fluorescent Electronic Halogen Integral CMH

8 Physics-Based Discharge Model in Saber
Example: Integral Electronic Lamp Design Code Integration and System Optimization DFSS Analysis: Scorecards FMEA DFR iSIGHT or GEN III environ. Saber Saber Simulator Ansoft FEA System Simulation Circuit Layout Lamp Coil Model Physics-Based Discharge Model in Saber

9 DFSS to Increase Simulation Speed
Identify Key X’s Identify Y’s Create DoE Run FE Models Complex Finite Element Model Create Transfer Functions Y = x12 + x22 + x1x Validate Transfer Functions Simple Polynomial Equation (Transfer Function)

10 Simulation Automation
Microsoft Excel Chose Simulation Identify X’s and Y’s Select DoE Desktop PC Workstation Run Simulation Send X’s Get Y’s Perform Regression Need well integrated simulations to automate optimization

11 General Design Process for Electronics
Design Circuit Schematic/Layout Optimization Paths Feed Forward Path Feed Back Path Perform DRC/ERC (Dracula) Evaluate Performance (Saber) Final Path PCB Specs Component Selection Vary Design Parameters, Component Selection, PCB Specs Evaluate/Optimize Cost Function (Cost = Wp * Performance + Wy * Yield ) Yield Prediction Optimized Process There is a broader need for systematic design process

12 Manufacturing Process Capabilities
GE’s e-Engineering Vision Collaboration between multi-functional teams, customers, vendors and partners across a business in a structured, disciplined fashion and implemented over the web Knowledge Warehouse e-Engineering Pyramid Adv. Sys.Eng. (scorecards) Product Data Mgmt. Low-cost implementa- tion Web-based Connectivity Manufacturing Process Capabilities 3-D Solid Models Simulation & Analytics Digital Prototyping DFSS Gen III Tools PDM solution helps to enable this collaboration. It provides: GE-wide connectivity to the databases and tools Workflow control The required levels of security for the data

13 Tool / Data / Workflow Integration: Needs
Need for solutions that speed complex interactions among analysis programs. Engineering portals for promoting common tools, methodologies and models. Data security. A PDM solution where design, engineering, production and suppliers exchange information using neutral formats. No single standard can address all interactions, however many protocols have been or are being defined such as XML, HTML, STEP, IGES, DXF, ODB++, etc. A collaborative product design environment via the web. GE - wide connectivity to the databases and tools. Unified, company - wide tool / data platforms and strategies with seamless company - wide access.

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