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Middle East/ Asia. 1. These are famous authors from which country: Salman Rushdie, Anita Desai, and Jhumpa Lahiri?

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1 Middle East/ Asia

2 1. These are famous authors from which country: Salman Rushdie, Anita Desai, and Jhumpa Lahiri?

3 2. What is the difference between a concubine and a geisha? Read Memoirs of a Geisha to learn a ton about Japanese culture! Must be a mature audience!

4 3. In what country was foot binding common in?

5 4. Ghandi and Mother Teresa are famous figures from what country?

6 5. What is the jewel / sticker worn by women and sometimes men in India called?

7 6. What is this beautiful traditional Japanese dress called?

8 7. List these four religions in order of popularity: Islam, Hindu, Buddhism, Christianity.

9 8. Burma is a country wracked by much political strife. And although not accepted by the US, the Burmese prefer their state/country to be called what?

10 9. Name this Middle Eastern Country This country contains the Mekong river, is known for its intricate needlepoint, and allied with the US during the Vietnam War. This is why the US has offered solace to many of its Hmong people.

11 10. This famous author is known for his work Anna Karenina, which is one of the top novels of all time. His name is Leo Tolstoy and he is from which country?

12 1. These are famous authors from which country: Salman Rushdie, Anita Desai, and Jhumpa Lahiri? A - India We will be reading Desai.

13 2. What is the difference between a concubine and a geisha? Concubine- a woman who keeps a matrimony- like relationship with a man, but cannot marry him. He financially supports her. Geisha- highly schooled, talented woman kept for entertainment (musical, poetic, dance, etc) as well as for a man’s pleasure.

14 3. In what country was foot binding common? A – China Wow! Why would women do this? What other painful things do women do to their bodies to make themselves beautiful?

15 4.Ghandi and Mother Teresa are famous figures from what country? A- India

16 5. What is the jewel / sticker worn by women and sometimes men in India called? A- Bindi A bindi is worn for several reasons – this would be a great research project!

17 6. What is this beautiful traditional Japanese dress called? A - Kimono Authentic Kimono are extremely expensive starting from $500 - to tens of thousands of dollars!

18 7. List these four religions in order of popularity. Islam, Hindu, Buddhism, Christianity. Christianity (24-28%) Islam (22- 23%), Buddhism (7-22%), Hinduism (14%)

19 8. Burma is a country wracked by much political strife. And although not accepted by the US, the Burmese prefer their state/country to be called what? A- Myanmar (since 1989) We will read an essay about Burma.

20 9.This country contains the Mekong river, is known for its intricate needlepoint, and allied with the US during the Vietnam War. This is why the US has offered solace to many of its Hmong people. A- Laos


22 10. This famous author is known for his work Anna Karenina, which is one of the top novels of all time. His name is Leo Tolstoy and he is from which country? A- Russia

23 1984 by George Orwell To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky Catch-22 by Joseph Heller Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte Animal Farm by George Orwell Lord of the Flies by William Golding The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

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