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Picasso (1881- 1973) Modern Painter Led almost all of the art movements of the 20 th century (abstract), versatile in many styles Modern Painter Born in.

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Presentation on theme: "Picasso (1881- 1973) Modern Painter Led almost all of the art movements of the 20 th century (abstract), versatile in many styles Modern Painter Born in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Picasso (1881- 1973) Modern Painter Led almost all of the art movements of the 20 th century (abstract), versatile in many styles Modern Painter Born in Spain Dominated the 20 th century At 50yrs. Old known all over the world He was one painter who broke the rule that it is only after a painter dies that he becomes famous. Known for co-inventing cubism (Georges Braque) Father was a painter Completed his first painting at 10 yrs. old Won a contest at 16 yrs. old In 2004, one of his paintings sold for $104 million

2 Won a contest at 16yrs. old!

3 Timeline: Picasso’s Life (1881-1973)

4 Picasso’s work can be divided into 5 different periods: 1. The Blue Period – ranged from 1901 to 1904 and consisted of low intensity blue paintings that were the result of the suicide of Carlos Casagemas, a close friend to Picasso. The Blue Period features acrobats, harlequins, paupers, various artists, and women of the night. 2. The Rose Period – ranged from 1905 to 1907 and was characterized by more upbeat colors including oranges and pinks. Picasso was in Paris at the time and had befriended Fernande Olivier, a model for artists. 3. The African influenced Period – ranged from 1908 to 1909 and was influenced by African artifacts. 4. Analytic Cubism – ranged from 1909 to 1912 and featured the unique cubist style which he developed with Braque using browns and grays. The motive was to pick objects apart and analyze them in terms of shapes and components that make them up. Picasso and Braque’s paintings resemble each other’s at this time. 5. Synthetic Cubism – ranged from 1912 to 1919 in which Picasso used pieces of cut paper to create artwork. He’d paste the fragments of newsprint, magazines, and wallpaper into collages, which were the first to be presented as fine art.

5 Blue Period (1901-1904) Monochromatic hues, painted in blue Depicted human sadness

6 Rose Period (1905-1907) Happier paintings Circus performers

7 African (1908-1909) Work influenced by African sculpture

8 Cubism (1907-1912) Geometric shapes Unrealistic figures Different perspectives seen at once

9 Analytical Cubism (1909-1912) Geometric shapes Unrealistic figures Different perspectives seen at once

10 Synthetic Cubism (1912-1919) Decorative shapes Brighter colors

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